Lindsey dropped his head, putting his focus on Sofia.

"Oh... We were under the impression that Samantha had the children..." Hal assured.

"I don't know," she shook her head. "I don't know anything before I got there and I didn't even know who I was... But it was an honest mistake... You believed I was Samantha when I got here..."

"You two resemble each other," Maggie assured with a nod.

"So, I have found," she nodded, putting her head down. "After a year of taking care of these babies... Sofia, Bran and Roman... I couldn't sever ties completely over a simple misjudgement... Your son took great care of me and there was a lot of confusion for the both of us, especially when my family came looking for me. I went to therapy and I am as I was before but I'm still here for the kids because I love them. Brian and the kids thought their mother and wife was back while my family thought I was dead," she shrugged. "I had to stay."

"We appreciate you looking after our grandchildren, even now, knowing they're not really yours."

Sofia made a face, not understanding what the older woman was saying, but she knew the lady had to be wrong.

"This my mommy," the child replied, claiming ownership of the blonde woman.

"Of course I am, sweet girl," Stevie agreed, kissing her head.

"Yeah, that's your mama," Maya assured her, shooting a glare at her mother for saying such things in front of the baby.

"And you know what else, my love, this is your grandma and grandpa..." Stevie pointed, taking the attention off the previous topic. "Your daddy's mommy and daddy."

"My daddy?" she pointed to herself.

"Yep... Remember how we were talking about being an itty-bitty baby and being a big boy or big girl?"


"Well, my love, guess what?"


"Your Auntie Maya and your daddy are brother and sister just like you, Bran and Roman... And they were just itty-bitty babies at one time. Before they were grown-ups, they were babies and that's their mommy and daddy," she pointed. "And they used to take care of them the way I take care of you..."

Listening to the singer break things down for the baby to better understand things, Maggie and Hal could easily see what a great parent she was.

"Oh..." Sofia pursed her lips, not exactly trusting the idea of hugging the people she didn't know.

However, it did cross both Stevie and Lindsey'a mind how easily she warmed up to Rhea and the rest of the kids within a week of being at her new house.

"Yep, so that means those are your grandparents. Your grandma and grandpa... What do you think about that?" she wondered, swiping the little girl's hair.

The child was at a loss for words, of course a lot of that information going over her little head, but she trusted her mother.

She shrugged.

The whole group laughed and kind of smirked while Hal and Maggie just observed.

"We have reservations at a hotel..." Stevie stood up, clearing her throat as she tossed Sofia onto her hip.

"Mom, why don't you guys stay a little longer?" Brandon wondered, knowing she was about to leave.

"Honey, we don't want to overstay our welcome. Your grandparents are lovely and we just wanted to clear the air of some things..."

"May I say something?" Roman wondered.

Stevie widened her eyes, hoping he didn't suddenly spew the truth they were trying to spare the parents of.

"Go ahead, kiddo," Lindsey replied, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"I think you guys should know that Stevie is our real mom... That's why we call her mom. She's been there for us more than Samantha," the teen replied.

Maya was stunned; she'd never heard her younger nephew speak up before, not without okaying it with his older brother and even then, he'd make his brother voice his opinions for him.

"Our dad's in Greenland and the only reason we're here now is because of our mom and Lindsey," Brandon stood up, wrapping each of his arms around the two of them. "Sofia doesn't know anybody else as M-O-M," he spelled out.

"And they took us into their home..."

"You guys, this isn't necessary," she responded.

"No, it is..." Maya sighed. "These are the people who are raising your grandchildren. And the boys are right," she crossed her arms. "Your son's idiot... You know that," she shook her head. "And despite being an idiot, he did do everything in his power to keep Sam happy and healthy. But her friends pressured her to leave him and the kids and she did... The true mother here is Stevie..."

"We didn't have anything negative to say or comment... We're just trying to digest all of this, Maya," Hal assured.

"You're more than welcome to stay..." Maggie added.

Lindsey kind of shrugged, reaching for Sofia to relieve his wife.

"We appreciate it and you don't have to treat us any particular way, we're just here to let you know what's going on. We're not random people watching your grandchildren and we love them and we wanted you to have the opportunity to spend time with them after so many years... I'm a mom and I get it and all my mom calls for is to know when we're coming to visit..."

"We believe you..." Hal assured.


"Are you guys gonna stay for a while then?" Roman asked.

"Just to see what Sofia wants to do, sweet boy," she swiped his hair.

He hugged her.

Maya grinned, walking over to the blonde just to rub her back.

Stevie then looked over at her spouse and she hoped for the best from their evening; she even hoped Sofia would feel comfortable enough with her brothers and aunt in order to stay for the week like they had planned.

He lifted his brows in return because although they were welcome to stay, he wanted to leave---he didn't know the people and despite his wife being the social butterfly, he could tell she was slightly uncomfortable.

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