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As they were flown from Greenland to the United States, Stevie was looking out the window; having a sense of deja vú only because traveling seemed so familiar, little did she know that she did it often and wasn't as afraid of flying as she thought.

Of course, due to her accident, the idea of a plane terrified her but once they were in the air, she was okay. Even she thought it was strange.

"So, you seem to be a genius... You know where we are going?" he wondered.

"Well, I want to say this flight is going to be a lot longer than I thought. Are we going to the U.S.?" she wondered.

From Greenland to Virginia, it was roughly a five hour flight; he was taking her there specifically to show her one romantic evening and after that, they would be going back home to be with the children.

"Yes..." he smirked.

"I'd assume we're going to Virginia so you're taking me from one tundra to the next," she added.

He smirked.

"Besides, Virginia is also cold during September..."

He was stumped yet again. "Oh, yeah?"

"I mean, Virginia is very temperamental and it could be nice and sunny when we get there, but I feel like it's gonna still be pretty humid. It's very moist there..." she explained.

He wished so bad that she was really his other half, perhaps even recalled some of Samantha's memories, because she really was smart and she seemed to remember the weather from the times she was probably touring. He knew well, the woman was from California and lived a luxury life, he knew she wasn't a big fan of the cold, but he didn't expect her to remember the weather like she had actually lived there.

"We'll be back by Monday, right?"

"Virginia's only an hour behind... We should get there about one a.m. their time tomorrow---we'll check into a hotel. You have time to sleep here, obviously... I can show you your surprise and then the next morning, we have a flight and we should be back by Sunday evening at the latest."

"Sounds good..." she clutched his arm a little tightly as she rested her head on him.

He watched her doze off and he was stunned by her beauty; he just adored her and due to that, his guilt really ate at him. He knew he didn't deserve her.


When they arrived to the location, Stevie woke up from her nap; a very long one considering she was a very tired "new" mother and everything she did exhausted her. And for once, she didn't awaken to the sound of the ocean crashing; she had awoken to the feel of the plane landing.

Unbeknownst to her, it really was muscle memory; her body surely recognized that type of travel and adapted to it like she did it all the time.

They checked into their hotel around one in the morning as they had planned and from there, they went back to sleep.

Stevie managed to go right back to sleep after moving from the plane to the car, to the hotel but she was relieved once she could get her face washed, get into pajamas and go back to sleep. And by that point, Brian was starting to become exhausted that he also just changed and got into bed.

The next few hours would fly and the next time they would awaken would be noon and much to their dismay, they got up around the same time, though Brian was moving around before she was.

"How did you sleep?" he asked.

"Pretty good," she rolled over in bed and pulled the covers over her shoulder. "I feel rested... Maybe overly rested, my head hurts."

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