Big News

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After the quick trip down memory lane from Brian's perspective, he took his new fiancée back to the hotel and from there, they would embark on a romantic evening, although it didn't last too long considering they did have to go to sleep to get ready for their flight that was set for the morning.

Two things played into what they were after, although they were overjoyed to be getting married; for him he was excited to be with her and for her, she was thrilled it would be all over again, something she'd be able to remember.

Even though they were never together, they were starting anew, though really starting from the beginning and it really felt like a good option, especially for the sake of their children.

When they returned to Nuuk, Greenland, the couple would be happy to see their children and Maya, not to mention they were well rested.

Just the simple break, it really helped Stevie feel rejuvenated, not to mention loved considering her husband wanted to remarry her; she felt lucky.

"Hey, how was your trip to the states?" Maya wondered. "Did you visit mom or dad?" she wondered.

"No, they weren't home," he assured. "I called, but no answer. I think they're on a cruise. Come to think of it, a cruise I paid for."

Maya smirked.

"It would have been so nice to meet them... I mean, I'm sure they obviously know me, but I would have loved to see them."

"Of course," Brian smiled, draping his arm around her shoulder, kissing her temple.

She brought her hand up and she rested her hand on his chest, ever so warm in his embrace.

"Wow, that's quite the rock," Maya couldn't help but notice the diamond ring on her finger.

The boys couldn't help but look over considering their aunt's comment.

"I know, right? I'm do grateful..." she glanced down to admire the stone. "I lost mine in my accident and dad replaced it, see..."

Brandon whistled, ever so impressed with his father's choice; it was a great ring.

"What did that cost?" Roman asked.

"Hey, that's rude to ask..." Stevie arched her brow, making her way to Maya in order to take her daughter into her arms. "Don't worry about such things, hm?"

"Just curious..." he put his head slightly down.

"The important thing that came from our trip is that your father and I have a wedding to plan," she winked.

Maya as well as the boys' heads flew up and they looked at the blonde with the most expression ever conjured.

"Aren't you already married?" Brandon asked.

"Yeah..." Maya leered at her brother. "I mean, your guys' anniversary was the other day."

Stevie looked over at him, dumbfounded.

"Yes, but she doesn't remember that," he rubbed his wife's shoulder. "Besides, we're starting from scratch due to her memory and our newfound relationship... Things are going great and we're in a place where we're comfortable. Even she said it's been like we've been dating the last few months."

Maya huffed, eyes staring hard into her brother's.

"Well, I think it's cool. I'm glad we can all start over, y'know?" Brandon added.

"Me too. Everything is perfect," Roman mentioned.

Stevie smiled. "We wanna do a smaller set wedding but we want it right in the beach. Wouldn't that be beautiful?"

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