Stretching the Truth

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Just before things got out of hand, Stevie would finally take a seat and call her house; her childhood home.

"Hello?" Barbara answered.

"Mom?" she mumbled.

"Oh, TeeDee, it's been years since you called!"

She smirked.

"What's been going on? Are you and Lindsey doing okay?" she semi hollered.

"We're just fine, mom. Really, everything is okay. We've just had a lot going on between the kids back and forth from school, getting ready for tour and all the usual stuff."

"We heard you went missing at sea!"

"No, that's not true. I was never missing at sea," she kind of smirked, wondering where that story came from. "Excuse my operative choice of words, but there have been many rumors that I have died, went missing and everything else in between. It was a hoax."

"Well, I'm relieved. Your brother kept telling me things were fine, but I didn't believe him. It's unlike you to go so long without calling, Tee."

"Yeah, I know. Time's just been getting away from me and I figured I'd call and let you know I was well. Lindsey and me met up with the Mac a few weeks ago for our photoshoot and they thought I was dead and, or missing too. I had to clear it all up. Once tour starts and everything, I'll have to retract the stories."

The woman was ever so relieved.

"Your daddy was worried too."

She smirked. "How is daddy?"

"He's good. He's been quite occupied for the summer between work and being at the country club..."

"Good, he needs to stay busy. Anyways, you'll never believe what Lindsey and me have done..." she paused.

"You're pregnant?!"

"Uh, no but damn close," she smirked. "No, Lindsey and I have adopted some kids."

"Oh, that's so wonderful! Oh, my God. I am so proud of you! How did that come about? When do we get to meet them? What are they like? How old are they?"

"Wow, okay..." she smirked. "Well, at first I was kind of fostering them... So, this is what happened. We were having plane trouble last year and we landed in Nuuk, Greenland. Sharon had some friends there that we'd met previously and I guess his wife had up and left... I swear to God, mom, his daughter---she's gonna be three this year, she looks just like Amarice when she was little and like me... But I just couldn't leave them and she has two older brothers, they're fourteen and sixteen. They're amazing kids. But the last year, we've been settling all the legal things, taking things slow, letting the kids finish up school... So, Lindsey and me adopted all three. Their father signed over his rights for the simple fact of us giving them health coverage and all that good stuff. Meantime, there father and aunt keeps in touch and we'll be heading to Virginia in a few days. We'll be dropping there with their grandparents and aunt right before we go on tour.

"Oh, that's so wonderful. I'm so excited... Motherhood has always come so natural to you. I'm glad they have you."

She smiled. "Anyway, we'll stop in and see you when we play the San Francisco and San Jose shows. Lindsey hasn't see his mom or Jeffrey really so we'll make it a point to see you. Kid free of course, but at the beginning of December when we celebrate Thanksgiving like we do when on tour, I'll bring the kids and everybody should be with us."

"That's great! I'm so excited to meet them..."

"Yes, and Rhea is great with Sofia, Brandon and Rhea kind of have a crush on one another," she giggled.

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