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"Can I speak freely," Seungmin said while leaning forward, "It's toxic, and it's best to get out of it now before they do something crazy."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course," Seungmin said setting the clipboard on the table, "I've been there before."

His client looked at him and nodded, knowing it would be hard to let go of something normal. Seungmin understood the feeling, but it was for the best to just let go of the person as soon as possible.

Before they could talk any further, a timer went off. Pausing their thoughts Seungmin took off his glasses and looked up at the man in front of him.

"I love that you just keep it real with me," They said, "How much do I owe you?"

Seungmin sighed and looked at his clip bored, "It's on the house today."

The person's eyes lit up as they went around and hugged the man. They thanked him got up and left out the door. Seungmin sat there for a moment before looking to see if he had any more clients. Once he saw that there was no one else, he got up and packed his things.

Before he could make it out the door, he got a text message.

I have a surprise for you
I'm outside

A smile slowly crept onto Seungmin's face as he put his phone in his pocket and rushed out the door. He went down to the first floor of the building. As everyone greeted him on his way out, he finally made it to the main doors.

He walked out to see his lovely boyfriend waiting on the side of his car. He looked up and a smile painted his face.

"It's hot so hurry the hell up."

Seungmin rolled his eyes and ran over to him. Hyunjin opened the door for him and he got in. Hyunjin had been rather generous for the last few months. It came as a surprise to Seungmin but he wasn't complaining.

Hyunjin took him all over the place before they finally settled on the beach. They had eaten, rode on the rides that were open on the boardwalk, and enjoyed each other's company. 

Hyunjin gazed at the twinkling stars above as he walked hand in hand with Seungmin along the moonlit beach. The waves whispered sweet secrets to the shore, a perfect backdrop for the moment he had been waiting for. Taking a deep breath, he turned to Seungmin, his heart racing.

"Seungmin," he began, his voice tinged with emotion, "Do you remember the first time we met? It feels like a lifetime ago, doesn't it? It's been an incredible journey."

Hyunjin cringed at his cheesy words. 

Seungmin nodded, a soft smile playing on his lips, his eyes reflecting the memories they had created together.

"We've faced challenges," Hyunjin continued, his grip on Seungmin's hand tightening. "But everything brought us closer. I want you to know that I'm so grateful for your support and love."

Hyunjin's gaze turned sincere for a moment. "I know I haven't always been perfect, and I want to apologize if I ever hurt you. The ups and downs we've experienced have taught me the true meaning of love and commitment."

"I'm sorry too," Seungmin admitted, "I know a lot of things have dragged on because I didn't want to listen to you. I'm sorry that I haven't always listened to you because of my anger and my fear of losing you."

As they stood by the water's edge, Hyunjin's voice grew softer and more vulnerable. "Seungmin, you've been my rock, my relief, and my partner in every sense of the word. You've seen me at my best and my worst, and you've loved me through it all."

Seungmin's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he squeezed Hyunjin's hand, a mixture of emotions evident on his face.

Hyunjin took a step closer, his heart pounding. "Seungmin, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to wake up beside you every morning, share laughter, tears, and everything in between."

"Will you marry me?"  

Tears welled up in Seungmin's eyes, his emotions overwhelming him. He nodded vigorously, his voice choked with emotion. "Yes, Hyunjin, a thousand times yes!"

Hyunjin's face broke into a radiant smile as he reached into his pocket, producing a small velvet box. With trembling hands, he opened it to reveal a gleaming ring. Carefully, he took Seungmin's hand and slid the ring onto his finger.

As the moonlight danced on the water, they sealed their promise with a loving kiss. The stars above seemed to shine even brighter, celebrating their love story that had blossomed through the years, overcoming challenges and growing stronger with each passing day.

They never wanted anything to happen to the love they shared. 

"No matter where we land, You will always be my president."

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