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The story starts from the party Hyunjin threw in the Minsung ff, Reflection. If you haven't read it, you don't have to, but it would be recommended just for the past portion.

So it's basically the past.
"What is that?" Seungmin asked.

"What's what?" Hyunjin replied opening his eyes.

"That mark on your neck?" Seungmin asked while chuckling softly.

Hyunjin lifted the towel from his head and got up. He went into the guest bathroom and looked at his neck. Hyunjins eyes widened when he figured out what it was.

"Is it all coming back to you?" Seungmin asked sarcastically while grabbing his things.

Hyunjin was standing there in disbelief not knowing what to do nor what to say.

"Speechless? That's the first." Seungmin said looking at him.

Hyunjin opened his mouth waiting for the words to come out themselves. But nothing happened.

"It's okay. Ill let you think." Seungmin said walking towards the door, "I have a meeting with the committee today, hope that gives you time to process."

Hyunjin racked his hands through his hair in frustration, watching Seungmin walk out the door.


Seungmin POV

When I stepped into my house I couldn't help but beat myself up. I always had a feeling he would do something stupid like this but I never thought that day would come. I've been in plenty of relationships, but none of them made me feel this way.

Yes, I was in love with Hyunjin around the second year of us knowing each other. He was so funny and knew how to make everyone around him feel comfortable. Hyunjin used to give me small pep talks when I started running for president.

He was there for me when I needed him the most. That's why I fell for him.

But since he was known as the guy that gets all the girls, I was too afraid to tell him how I felt.

And plus he was rich. High school was all about class. Even though he has had sex with multiple girls from all classes, I believed he wouldn't date me.

I should have known better than to go for the player in the group. It could have been Changbin or even Jisung.

Anyone but Hyunjin. (Or Bang Chan)

My past relationships were rocky. A bunch of them cheated on me and then ditched me when I found out. No one ever seemed to just want to be with me, and only me.

What did I do so wrong for them to treat me badly?

It more surprising that Hyunjin did but everyone says he liked me ever since he saw me. It was love at first sight for him. So why did he chose to cheat on me?

"No surprise there." The dumb vice president said under his breath. He apologized with a smile when he saw that I was starring at him.

He shut his eyes, still trying to get over the head ache he had from last night. For the rest of the meeting I was completely out of it. I could barely focus on what I was saying but I pushed through.

Even though I wanted to just lay down and cry, I still had to prepare for this going away party for seniors. And I knew Hyunjin was going to be there also.

Hyunjin POV

How could I let this happen?
I'm so stupid.

I didn't mean for me and that girl to get heated last night. We were drunk and confused. I was drunk and confused.

It was a pure accident that shouldn't have happened. I'm sick of myself and everything that I do. I always ruin good things for myself.

Before I could think of anything, my front door opened. It was my family. I got up quickly and greeted them.

Soon my dad did this whole song and dance about his missing watch. It had nothing to do with me, but I knew that one of those broke idiots that was at my party had taken it.

I was trying to keep my composure so I wouldn't explode but that didn't work. I raised my voice at my dad and completely belittled my mom.

To make a long story short, I was now spending my nights at Changbins place. Not knowing what to do with myself.

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