Chapter 11

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"Heavenly father, we thank you for this gathering as we're about to feast. We thank you for the life of everyone gathered here to celebrate with our daughter, Grace. Lord fill us in and out with your presence, bless your word in our heart and help us to befriend the holy spirit. Amen!"

"Amen!" Everyone chorused. Well, almost everyone.

Mr McKellen stole glances at Catherine and her son whilst prayers was ongoing. He had mentally placed a bet that neither one of them would respond an amen to the prayer. For some reasons his heart gleamed to know he guest right.

"I'll go get the cake." Rhonda went to the kitchen to retrieved the cake. She returned carrying a small cookie sheet in her hand on which the strawberry cake she spent all morning baking sat on. She placed it on the table making sure it was right in front of Grace. The little gleam of light dancing on the candle magick set on top the cake augmented her heartiness.

"Can I make a wish now?" Grace cooed impatiently.

"Of course." Rhonda and Rose's eyes met and they giggled at the coincidence when they both responded at the same. Grace held the cookie sheet by the sides and pulled it closer to herself, gawking at the peculiar piece.

The cake was baked in a rectangular shape, with three layers of colour. The base was a chocolate colour, the middle layer had a clear cream colour while the top layer was a shade of brown and red. On the outer corners of the top layer were placed cherries on the cake. Thick glaze icing was used to spell 'Happy birthday Grace,' and some candle magicks was lit on the top of the cake.

Grace drew in one long breath, the outbreath followed suit with her eyes shut. She thought about life after college, a life with the man she love and an happy ending. Exhaling in content, she opened her eyes and began to blow out the candles one after the other. Everyone applauded while she carried out the birthday tradition.

Mrs McKellen removed the lids on the platters, hot steams escaped and without mercy, invaded the privacy of their nostrils. The soup pot marveled the guests the most, it smelled so appetising that one could feel full just by inhaling its aroma. She invited everyone to meal on self service.

They gave Mrs McKellen some words of thanks, then proceeded to take empty plates and began scouting their preferred dish among the number of cuisines displayed on the table. It made a conducive atmosphere with no one caring to know how much food the next person took. Mrs McKellen made sure to prepare enough dishes with varieties. Since they had expected more guests than the number that came, there was enough food for everyone on the table with excess to remain.

They started eating mostly in silence if not for the clicks and clanks resonating the clash of spoons against dishes as they scooped spoonful of stodge.

"These are nice Mrs McKellen, really delicious." Tommy muffled with a mouthful of steamed pudding.

"Oh thank you. I got a little help though. Grandma's recipe has always been helpful, the best." Mrs McKellen's eyes met Grandma's, and she tried to hold back a snicker.

"Aha! I always thought some of the recipes I stored in my kitchen cabinet were missing. And I was sure my recipe for steamed pudding was one of them." Her eyes gleam as she muttered. "I was always wondering who could've taken them."

"Who did you think?" Grace beyelped.

"Couldn't point a finger. At least now I know my recipes are in safe hands. Couldn't have them anywhere else."

"I'd like to get some, your great recipes I mean. I could use some of your recipes to make exceptional family dinners when I get married, just like mom does." Grace smugged.

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