Lullaby of a Violin |Requested!|

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With a smooth and careful motion when she began to create the melody, it felt like as it sounded almost like Heaven's music. From how she effortlessly perfected the sounds of the newly created rhythm, Kegareta knew that it reminded her so much when her older brother would always sing her a little lullaby when they were still younger. It brought back so many memories that a single tear subconsciously began to freely fall down as she continued bringing such melody to life.

Her navy blue cloak rippled faintly from the same gentle breeze while the ribbons attached to the blue themed kitsune mask were moving along with its movements, the fallen cherry blossoms danced and glided through the air that it created something even more unique and beautiful.

However, little did she know, there was someone else who happened to be in the same area...

A girl with a sunset colored hair named Hanayo was currently sitting underneath a sakura tree and trying to meditate as a way to control her anger after a rough sparring lesson with one of the Hashiras. It's not like they went easy on her or anything, but she did wanted to see if she can test out her improved strength from so much training.

After a few attempts of trying to meditate (which was also Gyomei's way to keep the mind focused), Hanayo couldn't seem to concentrate and let out a small sigh in frustration. Not only did she tried all on her own, the strange noises from the distance wasn't helping her either since it was so distracting-

Wait......noises? Was there someone else here?

Hanayo may not have sharp hearing like some of her comrades, but she didn't seem far away to where the noise was coming from. Standing up, she began listening closely to the noise, that happened to be the sound of a violin being played. Strange......she hasn't seen anyone else with these kinds of instruments.

As she got closer, Hanayo then stood behind the tree as the source of sound was finally found. It happened to be Kegareta who was playing such melody on her blue violin. Was it just her, or did the sunset haired girl feel herself also tearing up when she noticed the single tear rolling down the other girl's face. Who can blame her hyper empathy?

'Kegareta plays a violin?' Hanayo thought to herself, her red-orange eyes were a bit wide from such elegant display as she watched from afar, but just a few feet so Kegareta wouldn't notice her presence. 'I didn't know she can play so beautifully- wait what? Don't think that! It sounds weird......but also intriguing.' She mentally grimaced at the next thought, but a faint pink blush subconsciously formed onto her face as she watched, having a small smile.

After the final notes of the music, Kegareta let out a shaky breath as she finished playing her violin. Falling onto her knees, more tears flowed down her cheeks as the memories of her brother kept rewinding in her head as a saddened smile formed on her lips, then staring up at the bright sky. 'Onii-San? I played this for you... I hope you love it..' The black haired girl thought to herself, rubbing her eyes with her wrists to get rid of the teardrops, some of it landed on the grass.

Hanayo can feel her heart ache from seeing her friend in such sad state as more tears also flowed down her face. She know exactly what it's like to lose a special person who cared for the other. Should she go over there and comfort her? She didn't want to appear as a burden, but many doubts knew how to strike her right in the heart.

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