❰ 𝟐𝟎, 𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐦 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 ❱

Start from the beginning

With the passage of time, the Sun is slightly lower from its zenith, ready to rest soon and let the moon shine. The duo had finally made it to the immense building. Mostly as people only be at the Aquarium for an hour or two, the number of people present was fewer than Aurelia had anticipated

After purchasing their tickets, they stepped into the building and made their way towards the main Aquarium area. Surrounding them were numerous sections to explore, which could be a bit overwhelming for newcomers. However, Aurelia was familiar with the place from her multiple visits before, so she led the way with confidence

Aurelia took hold of Wyatt's hand and excitedly led him to the initial section she wanted to share with him. Wyatt went along with her, allowing her to guide him. They headed directly to the shark exhibit. Upon entering, their faces were bathed in the glow of various shark projections that adorned the walls and ceilings. After this immersive entrance, they arrived at the massive tanks that extended from the floor to the ceiling. The tank was filled with an array of shark species, including Hammerhead sharks, tiger sharks, silky sharks, and sand tiger sharks.

Inside the tank, a mesmerizing whirl of fish spun in a circular pattern. Aurelia approached the glass with Wyatt following behind, both observing the sharks weaving through the school of fish. Wyatt, having taken on the role of the photographer for their aquarium visit, stepped back a bit and lifted the camera to his eye, and took a picture

Aurelia's attention was caught by the sound of the camera click and looked around and saw Whatt putting the camera down with a smile on his face. Aurelia smiled, "Did you just take a picture?" She asked, Wyatt nodded moving to stand by her side while looking down at the picture he just took "Let me see"

"Here"  he presented the camera to her, and Aurelia's smile widened as she gazed at the photo. "That's a good one. I like it" She tapped at the screen with her finger repeatedly "Why, thank you" He responded with a joking tone

She chortled and playfully rolled her eyes, then changed direction, leading the way to another section of the shark exhibit while navigating through the crowd. Eventually, they arrived at a tactile tank housing smaller sharks and stingrays that visitors could touch. Resting her hand on the edge of the tank, Aurelia observed the tiny sharks and rays with fascination. "You know, sharks aren't as bad as movies make them out to be," she shared her perspective with Wyatt. Intrigued, Wyatt responded with a prompting, "No?" to keep the conversation going. Aurelia shook her head at him, indicating otherwise

A stingray glided over in their direction, prompting Aurelia to extend her hands into the water, immersing them up to her elbows. Wyatt followed suit, mirroring her actions. As they did so, the stingray smoothly passed right beneath their outstretched hands

"Nope. Sharks don't eat humans as movies make them seem like they do. Sharks preferably stay away from us humans unless they, of course, feel threatened. They just hunt fish and other sea-bound creatures. Otherwise, they are just chill and won't bother us"  Aurelia explained, her words accompanied by a shark swimming beneath her hand. She gazed at the shark with a smile, relishing the interaction. "I actually have two favorite kinds," she added, her enthusiasm evident

Wyatt attentively listened to Aurelia's words without interruption. "Oh yeah? And what are they?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued. He withdrew his hand, wiping it dry on his clothes in order to take pictures of the sharks. "Lemon sharks and Whale sharks. I love them," Aurelia responded, She removed her hand from the water as well and turned to face Wyatt, locking eyes. Spotting a large shark jaw structure nearby, she grasped his hand and led him toward it. "Let me see the camera," she requested, holding out her hand. Wyatt placed the camera in her palm, and she thanked him with a smile before looking around the room, her gaze settling on the closest person to them

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