❰ 𝟏𝟏, 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 ❱

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(Guys I absolutely suck as a Author, I take to long to update but I did have my reasons

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

(Guys I absolutely suck as a Author, I take to long to update but I did have my reasons. Like three or so, School, not feeling well, and  going through a kind of break up but we weren't really in a relationship? I don't even know myself guys but we are here now and I'm gonna keep going)

"That was amazing" Wyatt said standing up from his seat and threw the note pad where he was seated. Aurelia stood up as well and hugged Wyatt tightly after putting the guitar down "It was" she cheered, the two swayed side to side still wrapped in the hug

Aurelia didn't flinch at the sting she felt the first time when she saw him in that powerplant outfit she just ignored it this time

All of the sudden Wyatt started to Cough, his eyes and necklace turned to a icky yellow. Before he started roughly coughing he pushed himself away from the girl and slowly went down to his knees as he coughed

Aurelia paniched as she knelt down with him "Wyatt" She called at him in panic, She quickly stood up and went in her room to grab a water bottle she had in there barely touched. She rushed backed outside to Wyatt who was still the ground. She got on the floor and shoved the water to his fand "Here. Drink this" Wyatt calmed down and grabed the water.

"Thank you" he said, his voice raspy after all that Coughing Aurelia nodded as response

She watched him take big gulps finishing the drink in seconds. Her eyes falls to his lips as he licks his lips. Her eyes went back to his, their eyes meeting

"Are you okay?" She ask the wolf, he nodded his head " Yeah, um" Wyatt looks down at the ground.
"Why are you coughing all of the sudden?" Aurelia ask her questions "Our moonstone necklaces" Wyatt touched his necklace "They are losing their power. That's why we are here. We are searching for the moonstone and most importantly the great alpha"
Wyatt softly spoke, Aurelia looks at him with symphony and determation "Don't worry. We will find that moonstone very soon. I Promise " Aurelia Swore. She grabs his hands and tightly Squeeze them

The two stayed quiet on the ground of the balcony, holding each other hands as they stared each other in the eyes not losing the eye contact. Wyatt didn't catch himself staring down at Aurelia's lips as the cheerleader did the same. The two leaned closer to each other, their faces centimeters apart that if one of them moved first their lips would immediately touch. Wyatt planned to move his hand up to the back of her neck and push her in towards him but Aurelia gasp caught him off guard

Aurelia backed off away from the werewolf and stared behind him. Wyatt looks behind him trying to find what she is looking at but can't find anything.

He turns back to her "What?" He asks confused "It's Bucky. He probably woke up because of your coughing. You should really go before he sees you" Aurelia explained as she stood up from the ground, her eyes still fixated on the lighted window. Wyatt followed along with her "Wyatt, please go" Aurelia begged now looking at the boy

SOMETHING THERE || Wyatt LykensenUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum