❰ 𝟖, 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 ❱

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Aurelia was at the library looking for a book to read as she had already finished the other one

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Aurelia was at the library looking for a book to read as she had already finished the other one. After a few minutes of searching for a book, she saw one that caught her eye but it was on a higher shelf that she couldn't reach

"Want me to get that for you?"

Aurelia turns around to see Wyatt, seeing the boy made her to check behind her to make sure neither Bucky or the Aceys were on sight but then again it's the library. Why would they be in the library.

"Yes. Please" she replied, kindly. She watched Wyatt effortlessly reached for the the book Aurelia wanted and handed it to her "Thank you"

"No problem"

There was a long silence between the two. Neither of the two moved further away or any closer. "I really shouldn't be seen with you" Wyatt pouted his lips and looked around the area. His eyes catches hers, "I don't see anyone" Aurelia gave him a look, Wyatt mimicked her look

"I should go, Wyatt" Aurelia walks past him, Addison suddenly appears behind her making Wyatt quickly grab a book in sight and hide behind it. Aurelia took a glance behind her and saw Addison turning the book he grabbed as it was upside down.
Wyatt let out a awkward laugh. Wyatt glance at the girl who was staring at the two, she quickly turned around and continued her walk to the table Bree was in doing her homework

Aurelia noticed Wynter staring at Bree while leaning closer and closer to her. Bree looked at her confused, Wynter all of the sudden grabbed Bree's homework. Ripping it from the binder and ate the piece of paper "Hey, that dog just ate my homework!" She complained, pointing at the werewolf beside her while staring at Aurelia once she placed her belongings on the round table

Aurelia let out a laugh, "Now you can actually say a dog ate your homework as an excuse" Bree tilted her head and pursed her lips at the girl "Hey, I'm just saying" She surrender as she took a seat

Books suddenly was slammed on to their table making Aurelia jump from her seat as the loud noise was right in her ear, eyes widen at the sudden loud noise. She looks beside her to see Willa as Addison took a seat between Bree and Aurelia "Lies!" Willa stated loudly

Wyatt stood in between Aurelia and Addison with his arms crossed, "These history books claim werewolves attacked Seabrook settlers. But they struck first and stole our moonstone"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that" Addison said, her voice being quiet and sweet compared to Willa's loud one "There's a lot you don't know" Willa sneered, She grabbed the books she's slammed on the table and was about to head off but Aurelia spoke up before she can "Well, of course we don't know what happened. How would we know if this happened years ago before we were born?" Aurelia pointed to herself and her friends

Willa just stood there taking in at the girl and looked at her up and down before finally walking off without saying anything. Some of the werewolves behind the group walked after her "I know the alarm's going to go off if you don't check out those books" Addison called after her, Aurelia eyes stayed on Willa watching her take off the necklace and threw it at the alarm. She walked pass the alarm and doesn't go off

Aurelia stared in fascination, Wyatt leaned down to her ear right behind her "our necklaces have a way with electronics" He whispered, Aurelia turned to face the boy making their faces millimeters apart. Wyatt cheeks starts to blush on how close they were. Aurelia smiled, "I've noticed. Know where I could get one?"

Wyatt got over the blushing and smirked "Only if you're a werewolf" He poked the tip of her nose with his finger. Aurelia's eyes falls to his lips then back to his in a rapid pace but it didn't go unnoticed by the werewolf. His smirk widens and he perked his eyebrows before leaving the library. The cheerleader watched the wolf leave as the other two looked at each other with knowing looks on their faces

· · • • • ✤ • • • · ·

Aurelia had stayed in the library by herself while the other two had to leave for their class. Zed had now entered the library, he stood at the entrance with his hands on his waist catching his breath, you can tell the zombie had rush to be there. He looked around the place and found the raven haired girl he was looking for. The girl was reading not caring about her surroundings

Letting a sigh of relief he made his way to the girl. He let out a long sigh as he sat down next to her. Without even looking at her, he just knows she rolled her eyes at him without looking away from the book. Aurelia didn't say anything and continued to read her book. Zed let out another sigh, this one was louder and went on longer than last

"What do you need Zed?" Aurelia sighed in defeat, she marked her book before shutting it. She fully turned to the zombie "I need your help to convince the werewolves to vote for me with Eliza" He went right to it. Aurelia scoffed out a laugh "And why me?"

Zed gave her a 'Are you kidding me' look

"Come on help out your favorite zombie" He place a hand on her shoulder and shook her slightly "Thats where you're wrong. Zoey is my favorite" Aurelia joked as she removed his hand off her shoulder


"Come on! I need you and your power of persuasion!" He whined, Aurelia snorted "Zed please. I do not have 'the power of persuasion'. You're being dramatic" She quoted "Come on. Please!" Aurelia looked away from the pale boy and began to think about it. Her tongue poking her bottom lip as Zed gave her a pleading look "Fine! Whatever" she groans as she gives in to help the boy

"Yes!" Zed gave her a hug happy that the girl agreed to help him. Aurelia let out a chuckle as she hugs him back. Zed pulls away his hands on both her shoulder "Okay come on"

"Wait, you mean now?"

It's short. Sorry 😭

SOMETHING THERE || Wyatt LykensenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora