❰ 𝟓, 𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐢-𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐚𝐰𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 ❱

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As soon as they all made it to Seabrook, everyone was called to the City Hall

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As soon as they all made it to Seabrook, everyone was called to the City Hall. Bucky's and the Aceys sat together near the windows. Aurelia sat with the Necrodopolis family, patiently waiting for Addison and her parents to come.

"Werewolves are real!" Bucky loud voice was heard across the room making the girl turn her head to the older boy "I always, always said the stories of monsters in the forest were real. No one believed me" he whined turning to the window beside him with a leg i'm top of the other as he bit his thumb nail

Aurelia shook her head at her brother and turned her head when she heard Zoey's little voice "Please can I have one?" She asked Zevon, her father " i'm the only zombie in my class. A werewolf friend would be great, I'll feed him walk him"
         "yeah, werewolves ain't class pets Zoey. And they certainly a friendly" Zevon told his youngest daughter. Aurelia slightly pouted at the thought "I wouldn't exactly say— i'm going to shut my mouth" The girl immediately shuts her mouth and scratch her temple with a single finger. She looks down to the bottom and saw the wells' Family now coming in.

"I'm okay" she hurt Addison say to her parents, the mayor and the chief of the zombie patrol. Mayor Missy looked through the crowd and spotted her niece, she ordered her to come to them with her finger

Aurelia excuse herself to the zombies and walk down, Addison saw her mom look at her cousin and corrected herself "we both are" Aurelia nodded agreeing with her Cuz. Bucky saw this and gone up to the four "Aunt Missy, Uncle Dale" Bucky started as he reached to them. Aurelia mentally groaned as Addison rolled her eyes "The crash was horrible, but I protected these two" Bucky put his arm around the two girls. Aurelia removed his arm around her and let out a sigh

"Anyone as courageous as me would've done the same. Though not really I am really brave"

"Aunt Missy and Uncle Dale, Everything is fine" Aurelia tried to assure the two well respected adults

"It's not fine" spoke Dale making a really I'll look at him "There are werewolves circling us right now, waiting to attack" Aurelia looked at her uncle pleadingly

"Yeah, and I'm Way too tasty" Bucky added, demonstrating himself before placing his hands on his hips "I'm always look like a snack" Bucky smiled and raised his eyebrows "Somebody has to do something!" He exclaims loudly

Aurelia saw that Missy had a determined face as she spoke "and someone will" she shoved her purse into her husband's chest "Hold my purse" she walks in between Dale and Bucky, and she made her way to the blue podium. The two young girls had a confused look as their eyes follows the mayor

Mayor Missy bangs to gavel on the podium getting everyone's attention " By order of the city Council, effective immediately, all anti-monsters laws are reinstated" she bangs the gavel once more after finishing her statement. Half of the crowd began to clap their hands as the other half wer disappointed including Aurelia and Addison "Mom, that is unfair!" "No!" The two cousins yelled at the adult

Missy turned her head to the girls and mouth "zip it" while doing the motion of zipping her mouth. Aurelia let out a heavy sigh, she turned to Addison "Addy, I need to tell you something" The girl grabs Addison's hand

"What is it?" The white haired girl ask worryingly while searching in the raven-haired girl eyes "Well-" Aurelia was cut off by Zed coming over and getting the two girls attention "Zed, we need to talk" Addison ignores Aurelia

"Oh, okay..." Aurelia drops her hands beside her

"We do" Zed said agreeing "Even though you didn't write, or answer any of my letters" he began but Relia stopped him before he kept going "No. No, Addison wrote a lot. Even told her to calm down a bit" The girl explains as Addison nods her head with every word coming out of Aurelia's mouth

Addison magically pulled out the Pom-poms made out of their shredded letters, Addison let out a sigh, "The Aceys shredded all of our letters" The three turned to the Aceys, the Aceys was already staring at them with smug looks. Aurelia shook her head and rolled her eyes at them
       Zed slowly got down in one knee "Addison. Will you make the luckiest zombie and be my date to the prawn?" He asked with a smile

"No" Addison answers sadly, Aurelia smiles at him with a bit of pity "Great! No? Zed smiles at the moment but then drops his smile in realization "Everyone's freaking out about the werewolves, so the anti-monster laws are effect again," Addison explains to her boyfriend

"Meaning,—" Aurelia tried to finish off the rest but Bucky interrupted her, "Zombies can't go to Prawn. Ouch" Bucky got into Zed's face, then smiled towards the two girls, his hand on Zed's shoulder

"But we're going to fight this, Zed" Assured the white haired girl with determination "Okay, so that's why you said no?" Asks Zed

"Yeah" Addison said with a 'Duh' tone

Bucky nodded his head as Zed begins to smile "Why are you smiling?" Aurelia questions confused at the Zombie "Because when she said no, I thought she didn't like me anymore but the only problem here is a bunch of blood-thirsty werewolves. We can do fix that"

Addison smiles at him and let out a small giggle as Aurelia let a huff with a small smile "Okay lover boy" She patted his shoulder

· · • • • ✤ • • • · ·

Aurelia was hanging out with Zoey in Zoey's bedroom drawing some werewolves as Zoey is still in a look out for finding a werewolf to befriend them after Zevon had already said no to the little girl

The two were on their stomachs laying down on the floor. Aurelia was focused on her drawing drawing before Zoey called out her name "Aurelia! What do you think?" Zoey sits up and shows the drawing to the focused girl, the older girl turns her head to Zoey but her eyes sticks to her own paper. Finally giving a glance to the paper

"That's looks good, Zo!" Encourages Aurelia pointing the color pencil at the wolf drawing "Really?" Beams the little girl, Aurelia smiles and nods while sitting up "Can I see yours?" Aurelia nodded again and shows her the drawing "No way! Yours is way better than mines" Zoey pouted playfully, Aurelia giggles at the girl "I'm sure a werewolf will find your drawing and love it enough to be your friend, Zo"

"Wanna go outside and hang it up?" Aurelia asks her, getting close to Zoey's face "Yeah!" Zoey exclaims excitingly

Aurelia scrunch her nose and smiles sweetly, Zoey rapidly got up from the floor and pulled on the older girls hand to stand up faster

"Come on, come on!"

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