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Me and Shaw were walking home and it was late.
"Deck I-" I started to speak.
Before I could finish, Shaw started to take off his jacket. He swung it round me and I put my arms in it.
"I told you too bring a coat," He chuckled slightly with his sweet little grin.
"I didn't think I'd need it. The weather app said it would be sunny," I frowned as he zipped it up for me.

"Okay. I'm not gonna pretend I believe that. You just want my coat again don't you?" Shaw held my neck and looked down at me.
I loved his coat. It was so big and cozy and I just loved that it was his jacket.
"Maybe," I smiled slightly.
"Come here," He wrapped his arms round me and I put my head on his chest, "You are so confident and so adorable."

I laughed and hugged back.
"How about we get home, you can get cozy in bed or the sitting room and I'll make us hot chocolate," Shaw suggested.
"I like that idea," I smiled and kissed him.
Shaw held me close and kissed back.

Deckard Shaw One Shots (Fast and Furious)Where stories live. Discover now