Trapped in a room

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"Y/N! Shaw!" Tej and Roman strolled into the tiny sitting room area we all had in the garage.
"What?" I asked.
"Could you two help us carry some crates filled with some shit?" Roman asked back.
"Sure," Deckard stood up and I followed.

We made it to a room where these crates apparently were. Me and Deck were stood in the room but it was empty.
"Guys what is this?" I turned round and the door slammed shut.
Both me and Deck ran over and started to bang on the door.
"Let us out!" Deck yelled.

"Not until you two sort out your tension because honestly, its pissing me and Roman off!" Tej told us.
"So get too it!" Roman added and then we heard their footsteps walk away.
"Fuck you Roman! Fuck you Tej!" I yelled and kicked the door.

I leaned against the wall and sunk to the floor.
"From your reaction I'm guessing we will be here for a while?" Deck assumed while sitting on the other side of the room directly in front of me.
"Yeah," I chuckled slightly, "When they do something like this, they mean it and they keep there promise. Once Brian and Mia were in here for four hours cause they got in an argument."

"So what do they mean by tension?" Deck asked kind of playing dumb.
"I'm sorry but dont play fucking dumb. You know what they mean," I sighed.
Deck laughed at the comment.
"Lets just stay silent. After a while Roman will feel sorry and let us out," I told him.

We stayed silent for about thirty minutes before Deck broke the silence.
"Tell me you dont want to kiss me," He looked up at me and our eyes met.
"I said we should stay silent," I shook my head.
"Tell me you don't want to kiss me!" Deck raised his voice ever so slightly.
"I cant!" I snapped, leaning forward off the wall.

I leaned back again and put my head in my hands.
"So you do want to kiss me," Deck said with basically no emotion.
"You don't understand how complicated it is. You don't understand how much I've wanted to kiss you but just cant," I looked at him.
"Then... then explain it to me. Make me understand," He suggested.

I continued to stare at him at he just nodded as if to say, "Go on."
"Well... since we met, I guess I had this attraction to you. Back then it felt gut wrenchingly wrong because you killed Han. But even so, I couldn't switch them off like a light switch. When you joined us to take down Cipher, it became way easier because you weren't trying to kill us, but you were still the guy that just got out of prison. Then I saw how friendly you were with Dom after saving little baby Brian. I considered telling you how I felt after we grew closer. But then I realised you would just leave anyway," I started to explain.

"Its always been this battle between my heart and my brain," I pointed at my chest and head, "My heart tells me to tell you and we could live a, quote, unquote, happily ever after. But my mind tells me that you would laugh at me or just reject me and never talk to me again. And everyone else would think I'm fucking crazy for even developing a crush on you. So yeah. Thats it."

Deck got up, walked over and sat next to me, "First of all, I would never laugh at you for something like that. Second of all, I like you too and think you are very god damn attractive and sexy."
That part made me laugh but also blush.
"And thirdly," Deck continued, "You don't owe anyone anything. You don't need to tell them and if they think its that wrong then you ignore them."

"Now. Do you want to kiss me?" Deck asked.
"Yes!" I climbed onto his lap, held his neck and kissed him.
He held onto my hips and kissed back, pulling me closer to him.

"Okay! We didnt want you too to have sex," Roman opened the door.
"We weren't gonna. This floor is dirty as hell," Deck pointed out.
"I didnt know. You called her very god damn attractive and sexy," Roman shrugged.
I stood up so Deck was still between my legs and pointed at Roman, "If you and Tej mention this to the others, you know there will be trouble."
Roman nodded.

"Fucking hell," Deck grinned.
"What?" I looked down, "You like being bellow me Shaw?"
I winked at him and ran out the room and soon after he was running after me.

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