- I see that the scar is much better-

- Yes, professor-

He took her hand.

She was blown away by his touch.

- What do you see?-

-Hermione, lifeless-

Dumbledore didn't know what to say.

But he knew,

he knew her visions were true.

2 days.

There was no more time.

Albus and Severus exchanged a knowing look.

- My dear, I have good news-

She looked at him, puzzled.

- You will be back at Hogwarts in 2 days-

Empty. He blanched.

She had waited for that moment more than anything else, and now that it had come, she didn't want to go.

- What's wrong?-

- Sir, I....-

- Pack your things, we'll come the day after tomorrow- snapped Snape

He nodded.

He closed the door.

He nodded to Aberforth.

-Severus, we have no choice, he has to leave; the blood will stop working.-

-She loves Harry-

- I'm aware of it, Severus -

I don't want history to repeat itself -

- She is destined -

The words ceased, and the thoughts landed.


"Fine, but just another minute," he said, laughing.

After the study session, Hermione snuggled over Harry, in front of the warmth of the fire in the Common Room.

- Now that everything is in its place, only one thing is missing - Hermione sighed

- What?-

- Kaytlyn- answered, caressing the boy's bare ankle with her fingertip.

Hearing her name, he froze and hoped.

He hoped to see her again as soon as possible, just as he feared the confrontation, especially now that Hermione was here, and he was keeping that secret from her.

Ron walked across the painting, carrying several volumes with him.

- Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you-

He didn't want to be the third wheel, after all that those two were going through.

- No Ron, sit down-

- We were talking about Kaytlyn.-

- Isn't she supposed to arrive next week? I remember you told me this some time ago- he asserted

- Yes, but frankly I'm worried, especially about the story of the funeral-

- I thought that at least she told you something.-

Hermione shook her head.

- I'm afraid that- she swallowed empty - she could take her own life-

- What are you saying!-

-She has no one left-

Harry closed his eyes.

He tried to imagine the moment when she would see them together, hand in hand.

Her face, filled with disappointment and pain.


At dawn on the third day she looked east, hoping that the sun would not rise that day.

But it was not so.

She gathered the last things left on the desk and put everything in the bag.

- Good morning -

She sat down at the table.

- My brother will arrive in the early afternoon-

She nodded.

After the meal, the man approached her, holding out his hand.

- I hope to see you again, maybe in better condition-

He waited for the squeeze.

The girl refused it abruptly, hugging him.

A suppressed tear wet Aberforth's face.

- You welcomed me without flinching, and gave me food without anything in return when no one is there for me. Thank you -

She retired to her room, with a new feeling: determination.

And there she waited.

She kept racking her brain over those words:

Your time has come.

She wondered what that meant.

Late afternoon.

She was found at the last door, wearing her uniform.

- Ready?-


They disapparated into the courtyard.


Seated in the outer cave, the three kept joking.

"I'm going to take a shower, see you later," Harry dismissed.

A heel echoed in the hall.






There they saw their faces.

Sea storm in the girl.

Morning breeze in the boy.

First one step, then the other, faster and faster, running faster and faster towards her, while the girl advanced with sharp, hard steps.

They collided and broke up in a desperate embrace, where there was no way to hold back their impetuosity.

A single tear on her face, countless those of the boy.

A moment, which seemed to last for hours.

Space: a word created by someone afraid to come closer.

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