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What is this story pacing 😂

Tw: Major Character Death (Guess who lol)

"Mommy are you okay?" Jade asked.

Ember yawned and then rubbed her tired eyes. She was quite sleepy as of late. Always tired.

"I'm fine Sweethearth." She yawned.


Ember shot to the phone and picked it up.




Ember was worried! Hella worried!

She got a call from Brook that Wade ended up in the hospital.

"Neither of us knew..."

Turns out Wade had been sick and neither one of them knew anything. Not even he noticed it.

But apparently, it had gotten worse over time, especially when he was on his travels. And he didn't even notice it.

Old feelings had been... resurfacing of late.

And the worrying Ember got from this just added more fuel to the fire.

She bit her lip as she entered the room, if her hopes were worth it before. Then maybe her hopes of making sure Wade pulled through this disease would be worth it as well.

"Wade?" She spoke, half subconscious (Did she actually even say his name?)

She turned to notice a sick Wade in his bed. She sighed and rubbed her temples. Why must everything be complicated?

"Hey." He weakly said, trying to sit up.

"Don't get up." Ember said, then she walked to his side and pulled up a chair.

"How's Jade?" He asked, coughing.

Ember smiled, bitter.

"She's with Brook right now."

Wade smiled, but then coughed.

Ember noticed a small bubbling spot near his belly. She winced, as if she could feel the pain he was feeling.

"Oh this?" Wade motioned to his belly. The bubbling caused major pain.

"My own Dad had it." He coughed.

"Oh. The one that killed him?" She asked, filled with remorse.

If she had told him she was pregnant . Almost none of this would have happened.

"Yeah that's the one." Wade nodded, his face weak.

Wade allowed Ember to lay against his body. This caused steam to flow and fill the room. But neither of them cared.

Ember closed her eyes, as if Wade was the most comfortable pillow she would ever hold.

"I'm sorry." She sniffed, and suddenly tears started to spill.

"Hey." He wiped the tears off her face. How dare she cry?

"Sorry for what?"

Ember stared at him, glossy eyes. No wonder why Jade looked like her Mother.

"For not telling you. I should have told you I was pregnant when I first found out." She sobbed.

"It's fine. I was oceans apart from you." He said, stiffly.

He leaned down and much to her surprise, he kissed her forehead.

Ember got closer to him. She had pretty lips. What would they taste like again?

Without another thought, their lips connected.

Steam was getting everywhere as it went on. She leaned closer and soon they were kissing like there was no tomorrow.

Wade soon started to cough as he did and then Ember pulled back. Startled by what was going on.



Ember was crying again. No.. no no.

"Wade! Please don't leave me!" She cried, realizing what was going on.

Wade caressed her cheek. He tenderly brushed her lips and smiled.

"You have become more beautiful than when we were 22."

Wade felt his water becoming weaker. He was... leaving.

Ember grabbed him. Holding on for dear life.

"No No! You can't leave me. You can't leave Jade!" She sobbed, loud.

"Tell Jade I love her. I didn't know her long enough." He coughed.


Ember wanted to kiss him again. To feel him longer and to remember what it was like..

How it was to be 22 years old again.

Alone in their bed. Their bed. Making love because it was nobody's business.

She lost her parents. She can't lose Wade either.

"Wade, please." She begged.

The first drops of water will bring my death. 

"Ember, I can't control this. It's taking control over me." He said, roughly stating facts.



He was now gone.

She screamed at the top of her lungs, and then she jumped.

Not really, because how do you.. jump into? You don't when there's neither a hole nor a pool. You're in a hospital room. And there isn't really a window.

But Ember jumped in a puddle.

And she was gone too.








Jade screamed as she stared at.. nothing.

What is this? What is this?

There was.. something crawling. Kinda. And the whole room was engulfed in steam.


And something cries in agony.




Water in the whole. Water in the whole. Water in the hole! 

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