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I should note that Jade MIGHT be malnutritioned.

Let's see, her father is a water element, and so that gives Jade water insides. All she has been eating and living in is fire food and fire things. But she needs water too. Fire and water diet for her.

Ember had never felt more nervous before. Okay, that was another lie. She had always been nervous. Quite nervous. Like how could she live without her parents?

But the thing she was nervous about was the test that Jade had to go through right now.

"Mommy, where are we going?" Jade asked, as she took her hand.

Ember took a deep breath. Brook hadn't quite believed her. It seemed the water lady had enough worries of her own.

"We're going to.. get a certain type of test." Ember explained.

Jade didn't say anything more and just nodded.

Upon setting foot inside the place, regarding that she and Jade had their hoodies on. The air conditioner hit her fiery fierce skin.

She turned to be met with the Ripples. Jade's hand tightened around hers


Wade believed with all his heart that Jade was his. He believed it.

He was basically babbling to Lake and Allan about it.

"Woah, calm down, bro." Allan said, trying to catch on.

Wade was bubbling with nerve-wrecking feelings.

"I just.. I'm pretty sure Jade IS mine. I mean.. Ember told me she never.. did.." You get the point.

Lake nodded, adding a wince at the end.

"We get it." Allan nodded.

"If she is... then what do I do?" Wade asked.

Alan stared at him sympathetically.

"If she is in fact yours. Then you will have to take responsibility. Like any other father." He said.

Wade nodded.

It wasn't his mother who suggested it. It was his own uncle. And she just went along with it.


Ember didn't expect that she would be faced with the entire Ripple family. And the fact that they kept looking at Wade and Jade back and forth didn't help either.

Lake seemed to be panicking and staring at their brother, Alan was basically almost signaling to Wade. Brook looked like she was ready to faint, Harold just had his arms crossed.

Great, along with the family meeting this was just stress on top of other stress.

"Mommy, if I fail the test will you be mad at me?" Jade asked.

Ember shook her head with a smile.

"No, Sweethearth. I won't." Ember said, calmly.

The elevator dinged and the Ripples along with Jade and Ember all went into the waiting room of the medical office.

The Ripples obviously tried not to look at Jade. But they looked like they wanted to.

Eventually, they were called in.

"So... what is the news, Victoria?" Brook asked.

Ember gulped.

"Mr. Wade Ripple is in fact the father of Jade Lumen." Victoria revealed.

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