Prologue: Will You Be Mine?

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I stare at him while pretending to be taking a book out of my locker.

He was handsome.

I wanted him to be mine.

Evan Parker...

His name could make any girl faint. Including moi.

He was kind of a troublemaker and a bad ass. But he was good at it.

He had the most gorgeous brown eyes and a smile that could light up a dark room. Not to mention, he had perfect brown hair you wanted to run your fingers through.

I know I sound weird. But I was a girl in love. Love makes people do stupid things.

And I was about to find that out the hard way.

I knew in my head that today was the day I was gonna ask him out. I had to. No questions, ifs, ands, or buts.

He was single and in my brain, I thought I had a chance.

I closed my locker and did a quick breathing exercise.

You can do this, Lucy. You can't be scared.

Who was I kidding?

I was shaking.

I walked towards Evan who was talking to his friend and tapped him on his shoulder.

I know I'm weird for finding even his shoulder sexy.

He turned around and I felt my heart stop when I saw him look into my eyes.

"Do I know you?" Evan asked, looking at me as if I was an alien.

"No," I answered, losing confidence by the second.

"So what is it?" Evan asked in a controlling tone.

"I- I was wondering if you wanted to g- go out with me sometime," I answered, nervous as hell.

Evan looked at me before he burst out laughing. He leaned on the locker to keep his balance and people stopped to look.

I was confused. What was so funny?

"Is this a joke?" Evan asked.

"No," I answered, about to cry.

"Look, whatever your name is, I don't date kids. I date girls with a bit more experience and not scared of her own shadow," Evan said with a smirk.

"B-but," I began to say.

"Just go before this gets more embarrassing than what it is," Evan said.

People started laughing and I felt the room start to spin.

This couldn't be happening.

But I knew it was.

I quickly fast walked away and stormed into a stall in the girls bathroom before shutting the door and crying.

"How could I be so stupid?" I muttered.

Look, whatever your name is, I don't date kids.

He laughed in my face. Apparently, I wasn't his type. So what was his type? Girls in slutty outfits with boobs?

What did I expect? He'd immediately say yes and we'd ride off into the sunset?

You are a pathetic excuse of a human being, Lucy Grant.

I wiped off my face. I knew one thing.

I officially hated Evan Parker.


The rest of the day was horrendous. People laughed at me and Evan's gang teased me.

He couldn't at least give me the decency of leaving me alone.

My older brother, Jonathan, picked me up.

"I heard, Lucy bear. Are you ok?" Jonathan asked.

I shook my head before hiding my face in my hands to cry.

"You want me to kick his ass?" Jonathan asked.

"It won't help. All it'll do is start more trouble and what's the point of that?" I answered.

"I'll buy you some ice cream," Jonathan said in a sing song voice.

"With sprinkles?" I asked.

"Yeah. I hate those things. So... ugh," Jonathan answered.

"Whatever, Jon-Jon. Let's get going," I said with a small smile.

"You know how I feel about that nickname," Jonathan said before driving.

"You know you love it," I said.

"True. Are you honest to God sure I can't kick his ass?" Jonathan asked.

"Jon-Jon! Ice cream," I ordered.

"Ok. Little sis," Jonathan said.

Even the ice cream didn't help. I was now sitting back in my room and staring up at the ceiling.

I felt like I should win the award for STUPIDEST PERSON ALIVE.

"I hate you, Evan Parker," I said aloud, not caring who could hear me.

Did I really look like a kid to him? We were in the same grade for Jesus Christ.

He was just stupid to not see a good girl like me.

Maybe that was it.

I was too good for him. He liked trashy sluts.

Go figure.

I soon fell asleep while listening to music.

For weeks to come, it'd be constant teasing from Evan's crew and all Evan did was watch with that annoying smirk of his.

When I heard he was moving, I was the happiest I've ever been in a long time.

I even threw myself a GOODBYE, EVAN PARKER party at the house.

"Lucy. What is it with ordering pizza?" Mom asked.

"I'm celebrating," I answered.

"What are you celebrating?" Mom asked.

"Uh... I got an A+ on my test. It was a hard test so I'm happy I passed," I answered, feeling bad for lying to my mom.

"Oh. Ok. See ya soon then. I got to run some errands," Mom said.

When Mom left, I was in my room and looked at myself in the mirror.

I had to change.

My limp blonde hair was always in a boring ponytail and I only wore chapstick. There were bags under my eyes and I wore plain clothes.

No wonder no one found me attractive.

I made a vow to myself right then and there.

"I'm going to get a makeover and become a total bad ass," I said to myself in the mirror.

I smiled before going back downstairs.

This is the first book in the Taylor Swift: Turning Lyrics Into Reality book series I'm doing. Its not like I'm doing book after book. I'm gonna start different books at different dates.

I'm also gonna do books outside of fan fictions so yeah...

Hope you enjoy. I'll update by tomorrow.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2015 ⏰

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