Shadows of the Phantoms

Start from the beginning

A little while has passed by since Osmond has split from the group while Anders and Fehmeeda are searching for other battery devices to connect the sabotage devices with. "How many of these canons have we passed by, by now?" Fehmeeda asked being tired from walking a long distance in direct heat of the sun. "About five now. No worries, we will be coming upon the next one soon." Anders responded to Fehmeeda while sweating from the sun's heat. Anders and Fehmeeda finally come upon the canon they have been walking towards for some time now. Anders takes out the spider like sabotage device out of his pocket with his left hand while Fehmeeda opens the cap sealing the magic battery inside the canon and carefully pulls out the battery. Anders places the device on the battery and presses the glass button; Fehmeeda puts the battery back inside the canon and closes the cap sealing it back inside. "Alright! On to the next one" Anders quietly said to Fehmeeda excitedly as there is no one else around to see what is going on. They start continuing to walk further in the direction they had started from before. Fehmeeda looks around while walking only to still find no one up there with them. "Why do you think it's so empty up here? Seems unusual." Fehmeeda had spoken to Anders curiously about the current situation. "Don't tempt fate now. Last thing we need is one of them showing up when we least need it." Anders replied cautiously. "Try not to think about it too much." Anders finished saying to Fehmeeda, patting the back of her left shoulder with his right hand, walking side by side. Anders looks around to see any guards because of Fehmeeda's statement about the seemingly lack of guards up there, thinking to himself that it is indeed strange. He decides to take some extra precautions just in case when they arrive at their next target. Some time passes by as they pass by these unmanned canons and wondering to themselves if Osmond had attracted to much attention. After having walked by six of these anti-air canons, they finally arrive at their next target. They take a look around their surroundings to make sure no guards are nearby. With all seeming clear, Anders opens the cap and carefully removes the battery. Fehmeeda takes the sabotage device with her left hand from her left pocket and places it on the battery and presses the glass button to activate it. Anders carefully places the battery back inside and closes the cap sealing it inside once again. As they stand back and stretch a little bit, they hear someone yell. They turn around to see a guard staring at them. "That's right. You two lot. What are you doing?" the guard asked them while Anders and Fehmeeda were shocked to find him standing there. "Sorry sir, just making sure the canons are up to snuff. Can't have anyone flying through here with any ill intent." Anders replied to the guard with his quick thinking of what to say. The guard looked at them confused tilting his head. "I don't remember hearing of any maintenance crew supposedly to be coming through." The guard told them tilting his head. "Who are you?" The guard asked raising the tone of his voice. Anders and Fehmeeda look at each other for a brief moment and then back at the guard. The guard, Anders, and Fehmeeda hear static on the guard's radio before hearing "Graham, we've got someone suspicious over here, requesting back up, over." The guard sat there for a little bit before putting his right hand on the radio replying "alright, I'll be right over!" the guard takes his right hand off the radio and looks at the two dead in the eyes, almost as if he was going to take their very souls. "Best be here when I return, heard?" the guard said to them seriously as to imply they will be in serious trouble otherwise. "Yes sir!" Anders and Fehmeeda said at the same time while the guard Graham, ran off to help with the request. Anders and Fehmeeda look at each other with a sigh of relief. "Osmond really came through for us" Fehmeeda said happy that the guard ran off. "I agree. Let's just make sure he can get back to us." Anders replied concerned, worried about Osmond's safety at this point. "Know any spells that could help Osmond get out of that sticky situation?" Anders had asked Fehmeeda curiously about her wide range of spells to use. Fehmeeda tilts her head in thought for a moment and then came to a quick conclusion. "Indeed, I do, but we are going to have to remain unseen by anyone and anything." Fehmeeda replied to Anders, fully ready to see about getting Osmond out of his situation. "Alright then, let's go get our friend." Anders replied as they take their grapple hooks from there utility belts, unclip the hooks, securely fasten them on the edge of the wall and jump over the edge. As they fall at incredible speeds, the grapple guns slow there fall down. They slow down to a stop, look in both directions before continuing their descent down to the ground at the bottom of the wall. Once they reach the bottom, Fehmeeda raises her left hand and flicks her index finger shooting a tiny sky-blue ball of light upwards to the top of the wall where the hooks lay secured. The ball of light reaches the hooks and lets out a little shockwave releasing the hooks from there place. Anders and Fehmeeda double press on their grapple gun's trigger to real them in. The hooks click into place and put back into their holsters. "He should be north of our current position. Let's move, quickly." Anders said to Fehmeeda with haste; they both start running north of their position in hopes of reaching Osmond in time.

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