21 1 4

After the meeting ends, everyone begins standing and leaving.

I stand too and turn to see Jaeyun speaking with Miyasaki Evan, the Japanese-American representative.

Someone grabs my wrist, and it's Yuchuan.

"Hey, Somin." Yuchuan waves smally again.

I smile back. "Hey, Yuchuan. How are you? How'd you end up here?"

He lets go of my wrist and smiles sadly. "I'm okay. My grandma passed shortly after I went back to America..."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry for your loss."

"It's alright." Yuchuan laughs awkwardly, in the way he does when he tries to bottle his feelings. "Anyways, after that I went to a fashion school since my grandma had always told me I had an eye for design and here I am now, working for XXiao. How about you?"

"Ah," I glance over at Jaeyun who has stopped talking to Miyasaki Evan and is now directly staring at Yuchuan, practically burning holes into him with how intensely he's staring. "I'm working as Mr. Jaeyun from SIMple's secretary."

Yuchuan looks behind me and see's Jaeyun staring at him, so he bows. When he stands straight, he looks at me funnily. "Wait, why are we speaking in English when we aren't in the meeting anymore?" He says in Korean, scratching his head.

"Right," I laugh. "So are you staying in Korea right now or is it just temporary until after this project?"

Yuchuan inhales sharply, thinking about it. "I'm not sure. It might be permanent, but I still have some business to finish overseas so I will be returning to America in a month. We'll see after that." Something clicks in his head as he suddenly asks, "Didn't you want to move to America?"

I nod. "Something like that. I'm building up the money currently. Maybe in a year?"

His eyes light up, saying, "I can help bring you over when I leave. I can get you a job at XXiao and you'll be working on a job Visa."

Wow, why hadn't I thought of that?

I smile at him, nodding. "That could work!"

I feel someone pulling me away from Yuchuan. It's Jaeyun of course, rude as ever.

"It's time to leave." He sounds furious as he says it.

I glare at him. "I wasn't done talking."

Jaeyun stops mid-way by the meeting room exit. "As my secretary, you shouldn't be talking to anyone I'm doing business with unless it's to schedule an appointment or write information down– unless I tell you to."

I roll my eyes at him and turn my head to Yuchuan as Jaeyun pulls me out the door. "What's your phone number?" I ask.

From outside the room, I can hear him shout, "It's still the same!"

All the way down from the 8th floor, out the building, and to the car, Jaeyun's arm remains around my waist, pulling me in the direction he's going and making sure I don't run off like a 3-year-old with one of those monkey backpack leashes.

When we reach the car, Jaeyun puts me in front to go first oddly enough. Typically, he'd go in and almost leave me behind.

It's like he's watching me and making sure I don't leave suddenly.

Once we're both in the car, Jaeyun tells his driver to go to a restaurant I've never heard of and then his driver's going off in some direction I don't recognize.

"What was that?" I ask Jaeyun, looking at him.

He sits there innocently like he did nothing and scoffs. "The meeting was over and I'm hungry. What more is there to it? My father would kill me if I left my secretary behind with some random person she talked to like she knew."

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