Take It Back

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Liam James Payne. The tall, fit jock, who happens to be the football captain of Hearst High School. Gives off 100000% golden retriever energy. The literal definition of sunshine.

Zayn Javadd Malik. Average height, hates sports, a backbencher who barely ever comes to school. Gives off 100000% black cat energy. The literal definition of mysterious.

The two are best friends.

Since, well, they were 2.

"Have you seen the new girl?" Liam asked his best friend as he shoved his books inside his bag.

"Hmm" Zayn replied, fiddling with the hem of his shirt.

"She's so pretty" Liam grinned.

"Hmm." Zayn hummed again, not bothering to look at Liam.

"Do you think I should go talk to her?" Liam asked nervously.


"I think I will talk to her"


"Ask her out maybe"




"See you later!"



"So you just let him go do that?" Louis gasped.

"Hmm" Zayn hummed as he replied to a text.

"Bro, speak something!" Louis said annoyed making Zayn sigh.

"Speak what, Loueh?" Zayn asked, looking up from his mobile at Louis.

"Tell Liam you love him! As more than friends! You need to go get your man instead of just sitting and watching him go with someone else!" Louis said.

"He's very clearly straight." Zayn sighed.

"Anyone and everyone can turn gay for you, cmon!!" Louis frowned.

"Not him. Just not him." Zayn sighed and drowned back into the screen.


"Hypothetically speaking....." Zayn started making Liam look up from his book at Zayn.

"Yes?" Liam smiled.

"What would you do- like how would you react if a guy were to come tell you that he was into you?" Zayn asked fiddling with his fingers.

"Tell him I'm straight." Liam shrugged.

"100%?" Zayn asked making Liam chuckle.

"Yes. Why are you asking me that? Are you secretly into me or something?" Liam asked wiggling his eyebrows trying not to laugh at the thought of Zayn being into him.

"Hypothetically, let's assume I was." Zayn said looking at Liam with a blank face, trying not to let Liam know the truth.

"Good one, Zee!" Liam laughed. "Hypothetically it you really were into me, I'd reject you and cut all ties with you. Never talk to you again. Good thing you're not." Liam replied smiling.

"Good thing I'm not." Zayn repeated, with a tight lipped smile.

"So Iana-" Liam started rambling about the new girl and Zayn just sighed and listened to his best friend.


"He SAID WHAT NOW?!" Louis exasperated "Is he homophobic or something?!" He asked angrily.

Fever Dreams (Ziam & Larry One Shots) Where stories live. Discover now