Chapter 13

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𝕴 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 on the floor, reading a piece of Transfiguration text that I would have used to do the homework that was due on Friday, had I been a normal student. Despite, of course, not actually going to class, I still enjoyed the work. Severus had been right when he said it would help to keep me from being bored. 

Remus had been playing on the floor next to me, but had soon fallen asleep against my outstretched leg, using it as a pillow. He was to cute to move, so I simply placed a cushioning spell under his head and had summoned a blanket to put over him. 

Severus entered the room for a moment and I looked up at him with a smile, my face slowly turning wary as I watched Madam Pomfrey come in after him. 

I quickly set the Transfiguration text aside, gathering Remus in my arms and clumsily standing up. 

"Miss Kane." Madam Pomfrey said warmly, coming over and hugging me. I hugged her back to the best of my ability. 

"Madam Pomfrey." I said in a bit of confusion. "What-" 

"Please, come sit." Madam Pomfrey said, pointing to the bed as she walked over to it. Severus took Remus from my arms and I went to sit upon the bed. She further instructed me to lay back against the pillows, which I did. 

"Severus has informed me that you are pregnant with twins." Madam Pomfrey stated, pulling out her wand. 

"Ah- yes." I murmured, blushing a little. "But I still-" 

"You were talking about checkups." Severus whispered softly. "Poppy will keep our secret." 

"You will?" You asked, perhaps a little more incredulously than you had meant to. But it was still a bit of a shock to hear that. 

Madam Pomfrey looked at me rather seriously. "Miss Kane, everything you have said to be true has come true. If you are here with Severus, then I believe you have a reason and I have to believe that perhaps he's not as bad as the others are making him out to be, because you know something the others don't." 

She paused and then added, "Or perhaps it's nothing more than the love between the two of you. Either way, you need my help and I will keep you and the little ones safe." 

I blinked quickly to stop any tears from coming to my eyes, but my voice was rather throaty as I said, "Thank you." 

"Now then," Madam Pomfrey said, running my body over with her wand to perform a magical scan, "What exactly are the worries behind the twins?"

Neither Severus nor I said something for a moment until Madam Pomfrey looked up and then I said slowly. "Who the father is." 

Severus frowned a little. I knew that he didn't care, not really, but I needed to know. 

I also felt that I needed to explain myself. Explain that I had always stayed loyal to Severus. "I was taken captive for a few days." Was all I said. Madam Pomfrey gave the slightest of nods and then continued her medical monologue. 

"Well, I can't tell for certain parentage until the babies are born and blood tests are done. However, I do have the ability to check the babies auroras and match them to a degree against their fathers." 

"What?" I asked, confused. 

"Auroras are identified by colours, so some people can have very similar auroras. Which is why the test isn't foolproof. However, it can give a reassurance that Severus may be the father or may not." 

"I. . . sure." I said, looking over at Severus. He nodded slowly. 

"If you could hold our your hand." Madam Pomfrey said. 

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