kotlc plays volleyball

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Sequeal to Kotlc goes to the beach

Sophie and the gang were still at the beach. They had spent all day boogie-boarding, ate sandwhiches, "I'm tired" Lihn said laying back on her towel.

"Yeah," Marella replied. "Whyyy" Keefe groaned. "Because were tired" Sophie said packing up the umbrella. She struggled to carry the umbrella and the cooler.

"Keefe can you carry the umbrella?" Sophie asked him. "Yeah, sure" he replied grabbing it from her hands.

"OHHHH GUYS LOOK" Biana squealed. She pointed at a volleyball net which was surronded by sand on the beach. "WHATS THAT?" she asked.

"Its called Volleyball" Sophie told her. "Its really fun" She told her friend. "Can we play?" Biana asked. "Um.. yeah sure" Sophie replied.

"Here lets put these right here" Keefe said setting down the umbrella. "No" Tam said sighing sitting on the bench. "Come on" Lihn said grabbing her brothers hand dragging him towards the net.

"Fine" he groaned. "Girls v.s boys quick game to 5" Sophie annouced as she, biana, Lihn, and Marella wen't up under the net.

Keefe, Fitz, Dex, and Tam on the other side.

"Ready?" Sophie asked the boys. "Yeah" Dex said flashing his dimples.

"Lets go Foster!" Keefe cheered.

"Ready?" she asked the team. "Go girl" biana and Marella cheered. "You got this Sophie" Lihn said sweetly.

She spiked the ball hitting Keefe staright in the head he feel backwards. "Ouchy Foster" he groaned as Fitz helped him up.

"Sorry not Sorry" Sophie told him causing Tam to laugh. Keefe hit the ball Sophie hit it back o Fitz who missed by inches. "2, 0!" Biana cheered. "Go girls" Lihn said.

Fitz spiked it at Lihn who spiked it back causing her to fall over. "Lihn?" Sophie asked running over to her. "You okay?" Biana asked her.

"Y-yeah I'm okay" she said dusting the sand off of her. Tams eyes were way bigger than normal. He glared daggeres at Fitz. "Alls fair in a game" Fitz laughed.

"Sorry though Lihn" he smirked. "Oh, no dude big mistake" Keefe said laughing. "YoU!" Tam screamed chasing Fitz down. The two boys ran around the sand.

Grabbing ahold of each-other the lifeguard came running over. Yelling words Sophie, Keefe and the rest couldn't understand. Keefe walked over to the life guard.

"I'm sorry these are two very- big children we will be leaving now" he said glaring at Tam and Fitz.

"You better" The life guard mumbled walking away.

"ha.ha" Keefe said looking angry at the too boys. "great job now we have to leave" keefe grumbled. "Sor-ry" Fitz said. "Whatever" he said rolling his eyes.

"Lets go" Sophie said picking up the beach stuff as they made there way back to the alley. "Everglen!" They all shouted. As they stepped into the light.

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