Chapter 7: Deeper Than Blood

Start from the beginning

She had debuted four months ago.

Four did not convey "bad" emotions, their claim to fame in the manager aspect of things was how they always had either a scowl or an eerie smile on their face.

But after hearing with Leafy said and seeing how well she hid it's affects, they felt sad and thought of ways to help her.

After thinking things over and secretly investigating into Leafy's life, they managed to meet with her mother at a seedy looking bar and discuss something important.

"To put this simply Miss Verte, it wouldn't be an official adoption, you would simply be appointing me as a legal guardian to Leafy, nothing major," Four explained as they sat at a table in front of Leafy's mother.

"Huh... that's fine with me, the girls a good for nothing, I doubt you'll get very far with her," she laughed rudely.

"Have you not been paying her any attention? She's been rising faster in the ranks than anyone we've ever seen before, you should be proud," Four said with fake kindness.

All they wanted was to smack this woman.

"No way, it's just beginners luck, they'll realise soon enough she was a mistake to hire... I knew it the moment she was born," the dark green haired woman shrugged as she sipped her cheap beer.

Four had always thought that even cold-hearted people could at leat feel love for their children, they had always thought that even the worst people wouldn't go as far as to call their child "a mistake" to a stranger.

But tonight they had been proven wrong.

"Meet me at the town hall tomorrow morning as soon as it opens, you can sign everything then, seeing you're so eager," Four snapped.

"Hah, I'd do it right now, the little bitch won't be young forever, I'll be glad to be rid of her," an empty, vile laugh came from her red lipstick covered mouth.

Four stood up sharply, knocking into the table and spilling the woman's drink into her lap.

"Hey, you bastard, come back here and get me another drink, that was basically full," she shouted at the tired, blue-haired man.

"With all due respect Miss Verte, I'd prefer not to waste my money on a deadbeat mother who would just discard her own child without a thought,"

"You prick, don't act like you're better than me, get back here and pay," she yelled as she got up to smack Four, tripping over her handbag in the process and landing on the floor.

Four looked down at her, with a judgemental glare, turned on their heel and walked out of the bar into the calm evening air.


And so, a week later the documents had been signed, all necessary interviews and information had been completed and Leafy was now legally in Four's care.

She had moved all of her belonging from her house to an apartment that Four owned.

In the weeks that passed, Four noted how much happier Leafy seemed, now totally free from the scrutiny and insults her mother constantly hurled at her.

Only recently did they learn how downright mean Leafy's mother was, one night over dinner, she sadly told him about how the harsh woman has laughed at her daughter after she told her she would be an idol.

Her mother never took an interest in her hobbies, her school work or anything that would involve Leafy, if no one had intervened, she would have been causing trouble in the streets, a habit she had started getting into not long before she was scouted.

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