Stretching the Truth

Start from the beginning

"Oh, my. Be careful with those two then."

"Yeah, I know," she smirked. "Anyway, the older boys get along with these boys so well and then the girls just clicked. But all in all, it's been an eventful year and I'm not dead so there's your update."

"Well, I'm glad to hear it. I love you so much, TeeDee. I was worried."

"I know and I love you too. I miss you guys. I'll be sure to visit this coming month. Probably within the next two weeks. We always bounce around when we tour, we don't just travel in the one direction and come back."

"Yes. I'll let your dad know all is well and that I talked to you, honey. He'll be relieved."

"Thank you. I'll call before we head out there. I love you, mom. I'll see you soon."

"I love you too, sweet girl."

"Bye," she pulled the phone away and she hung up, relieved that her call went well and that it was over with.


By August 28th, the family would disperse; Eli and Lance were at school on campus at U.S.C., Amarice and Rhea would have taken a trip to San Jose to visit their grandparents while Stevie and Lindsey not only packed for tour but packed for the short trip to Virginia with Brandon, Roman and Sofia.

Stevie and Lindsey would be staying at a hotel in Virginia, wanting to make sure all was well with their kids and Maya before leaving them for the week and a half leading to the begining of the school year.

Over the course of time, the singer really did think over what Roman had said to her and she considered talking with Maya about somehow telling her parents everything about what happened between her and Brian and why or how, she thought about telling the partial truth like she did to her band mates with a bit of a twist on the story and still, the idea of just pretending to be Samantha ran through her mind, but she really didn't feel like playing the part.

The flight to Lynchburg, Virginia from Los Angeles would have been roughly four and a half hours which was nothing compared to the 17 hour flight from Greenland, so it went rather smoothly that time around.

At the airport, Maya would meet the couple, ever so thrilled to see her niece and nephews.

"It feels like it's been ages since I last saw you!" Maya beamed, lifting Sofia off the ground.

"Hi, Auntie!" the little girl screamed, hugging the woman ever so tightly. "I missed you."

"I missed you too! Look how tall you've gotten, in just a few months..." she tapped her nose. "Oh, my goodness," she kissed her cheek, glancing over at the boys. "You're getting to be such a big girl," she mentioned, settling her in the car where Lindsey would buckle her in.

"Hi, Auntie," Brandon grinned.

"Wow, your voice got deeper," she chuckled. "You sound like a man..."

"I am a man," he smirked.

"No, you're a teenager..." she rolled her eyes, ruffling his hair. "And you, you cut your hair, Roman?" she stated.

"I needed a change... It's hot in California compared to home," he smirked. "Haven't seen my grandparents in so long, wanted to make a good impression."

"Ah, you're funny. Get in the car, babes..." she smiled, then looking over at Stevie. "And you..."

The teens obeyed.

"I missed you so much, honey," the blonde shook her head as she leaned in to hug her. "Oh, you're wearing the moon..." she beamed.

"Yes, I never take it off," she patted her chest gently. "Between you and me, I really think it makes Brian upset that I wear it... It reminds him of you too much."

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