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My life has always been the same.

Wake up every morning, go for work, kill some bastard that's disrespected my family or any of my other enemies to shake them off a little and come back to my quiet home.

But since my uncles arranged a wedding for me (on the same day I was told of the wedding I was expected to have a luxury tuxedo ready) which was the same day I was getting married.

And the girl I was marrying was the daughter of the richest crime boss in new York city, Ricardo ' shotgun ' Mariano. He trusted a bastard like me with his only precious mafia princessa. Ariana Mariano.

The woman haunted me everywhere I go. She was in my office, always at the meetings her pàpa  and I had and now she's living with me.

I can sense her presence, everywhere I go.

I can smell her scent everywhere, her clothes, my bed and everything I own belongs to her too.

I want to have her, but she won't let me.

I wasn't even there for our wedding night due to some issues I had to discuss with her family and mine.


I need her with me.

Hear her pant.

Feel her warm skin on mine.

Hear her little moan.

Her black her fanned against the white pillow as I take her.

Her long thick hair bouncing as she rides me, driving me crazy with her moans.

The moment she lets me, I won't waste time.

Her image is in front of me right now. Her gentle smile impresses everyone in the room but immediately she sees me that smile turns into a frown.

I gesture her to come to me and she does obediently.

"Yes, Uccisore" she looks at me with that uninterested look.

I hate it when she calls me that. Only other people outside the family call me that and she's part of the family.

"I told you to stop calling me that, Miele," she still looks uninterested "anyway aside that, I need to introduce you to the capo of the Massinano family."

I pull her towards my body, tight enough for her to gasp and that warm breath touches my throat. Her skin is blush red from where I touch her.

I walk towards the table where  the capo of New Orleans is sitting discussing with my right hand man, Lorenzo.

"Signore della droga, pleasure to finally meet you after such a long time."

"Yes, Uccisore, it has been a while," he turned to look at Ariana and I immediately wanted grab him by the throat, " and this should be the lovely Miss. Ariana."

He got her little hand from mine and gave her a small peck on her knuckles. His eyes and lips lingering too long for comfort.

My hand immediately reach for my gun but Lorenzo's hand was quicker and prevented me from shoot the bastard.

"Yes, well we better getting going them Capo, we would like to spend the last of our honeymoon alone." I pulled Ariana away from him and gave him a small nod.

"What was ....."

" Shut the fuck up."

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