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It's been two days since Raine's confession. 

Two days of being in the edge for him.

I wish I could tell him how I really feel but it feels like I'm moving too fast for a man I just on my wedding day and married 3 hours after being told about him.

It just doesn't feel right for me to feel this aching need for him. But I can't stop it and it's driving me crazy.

No matter how hard I try, he is always on my mind.

Just the other day he walked into me reading in he's library. I was in nothing but my usual baggy Chicago bulls jersey.

He stopped mid-stride, looked at me up and down and said those bone rattling words that have never left my mind.

"I think you should take off that jersey, you'll look sexier without it than in a jersey of the team I hate."

Sometimes he's words are so unsettling but other times they're toe curling and warm at the same time. I don't understand why he keeps sdrumbling my brain. His like an addiction that I can't stop.

And god it would kill me to stop.

Today he decided to go out  for a  meeting with my father on some piece of land they are planning to use as a casino, so I decided to use this time to buy myself some new books by my favourite author. 

Gracie Garcia.

She has won my heart over a thousand times since the time I was a mere princess of my father's kingdom.

I told Lorenzo about my plans and he decided to take me. When we arrived at Ava's Bookhub (my plug), I found the triolgy of 'The House Of Roses ' and I literally screamed with excitement. I paid for the books and was about to walk out when I accidentally bumped into the person behind me.

'I'm so sorry, I didn't notice you were behind ...."

"It's okay...., wait.... Ariana is that you." 

I looked up and smiled with familiarity of who was in front of me.

Lucas, my long lost childhood friend.

I haven't seen him since his father evacuated his family to un unknown state after a massive war between his family and the Lombardi family in New Orlans. 

His usual boyish smile which usually warmed me still plastered on his face as he extended his hand for our old handshake.

"Ariana, piccolo cucciolo, I hope you haven't forgottern our handshake."

Raising my right hand I looked at him in those warm brown eyes saying," Of course not."

When my hand slid against his I heard the door of the bookstore open and in stepped a tall man in black nike shoes, faded blue denim jeans and a plain white shirt covered by a black leather jacket.

The smile that seemed tobe permanent on my face vanished.

His presence alone made me feel uneasy because I knew who he was.

And Raine wouldn't be happy about this.

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