You find out, so what? Deal with it, we had to

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     I guess we have to start somewhere right? And I guess an intro is as good a start as any. My name is Ari, and Im a child of Nemesis. I'm 16. ‘Wait, go back!’ you might be thinking. ‘A child of a Greek Goddess?’ Yeah. You saw that right. My mom is a goddess. I'm a demigod. Get over it. I learned that I was a demigod when I was 13. I didn’t get to camp for another year though. When I arrived- well- I think I need to go back a bit more. 

      It had been weeks on the road. Or more like on the trail. I tried to avoid roads in general while traveling. I was on the roads because my father cast me out. Something about me being Genderfluid, I try not to dwell on it. In any case, it was a rough time. Nemesis guided me at that time. Something more about me suffering and needing to balance it out. Whatever the reason, she got me to Camp Half Blood’s doorstep with minimal scarring.
Since I was already claimed by my mother, I was put into her Cabin right away. No attention was drawn to the fact I arrived, and I was grateful. I soon learned that children of Nemesis weren’t always viewed kindly. Apparently a few years ago during the war a child of Nemesis was on the other side. Now we were just viewed with suspicion, so it was better to not be viewed at all.
I took to hiding out in the forest. Few ventured into it besides for games due to the monsters, but I never minded a challenge. How else was I supposed to train with my knives?
One day though, a girl wandered across where I was sitting. Her light colored hair gleamed in the sunlight, and my first thought was that wow, she is pretty. Then I shoved that down. I was already alienated here. I didn't need feelings too.
“Hi, I’m Laila, nice to meet you!” She stuck out her hand, and reluctantly I shook it. I saw her gaze falter for a second on the scars covering my skin, but she quickly moved on.
“I’m Ari,” I added after a second.
“You seem down, did something happen, or can I help?” She questioned in an earnest way that almost made me sick. Why was she sticking around?
“No, it’s fine, thanks though,” I insisted, almost praying for this to be over.
“Oh, by the way, what are your pronouns? I want to make sure I don’t get them wrong”
That startled me. Very rarely did someone bother to ask. They just assumed, and I didn’t correct them. I felt myself starting to warm to Laila though. She was rather nice, despite being very chatty.
“Today, he/they” I said after thinking for a second.
“Okie!” She gave me a big smile, and I couldn't help but grin in return. Maybe she wasn’t so bad.
That was how I made my first friend at camp. Well, first and only. Until Milo that is. But that's a story for another time.

This was written by Rhys, and I'll probably have the Laila chapter up soon!
Word count: 523

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