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"Was the food that terrible that you had to run out here to avoid taking another bite?" The Alpha King said smiling as he approached me.

"Not at all, your highness. The meal was delicious! I just needed some fresh air to clear my thoughts."

"Ah yes, I completely understand. The weight of the crown sometimes becomes unbearable for me as well."

"How do you deal with it?" I asked, genuinely intrigued. 

"Focus on something else for a bit. Step away from all your obligations. Take a breather like you're doing right now."

"I've been standing alone out here on this balcony for almost thirty minutes, and my mind is still in turmoil." I sighed tiredly.

"That's because you're still thinking of the problem instead of enjoying the view. Tell me, Penumbra... what do you see?" The kind man made a sweeping gesture to direct my eyes to the view before me.

"A large expanse of beautiful green forest. Lakes that reflect the glitter of the magical stars above. And a cool night breeze that gently caresses my tired body."

"Where's the moon?" He asked curiously.

I looked up, intrigued that I did not notice the moon was hiding behind white clouds.

"You focus too much on others that you completely forget about yourself. That is your flaw. You, my dear child, are the personification of the moon. Your magic comes from that celestial ball of light that guides us all in the darkest times of our lives." The Alpha King patted my shoulder.

"You give me too much credit, your highness." I smiled timidly.

"Not at all, Glare. You outrank everyone in the magical realm, even myself. You have the ability to change our destiny, our lives, our future."

"My powers do not give me the right to tamper with other's destiny." I shrugged.

"Oh, but it does. Whatever bonds the moon Goddess has initially planned can be vetoed by only one person... you. Being the Penumbra, you may insert yourself in any relationship you choose. You not only have the right to take the place of an existing Luna, but also claim any Alpha you choose."

"I have been chosen by Ares. My loyalty is with him." I felt my heart clench.

"That's because you chose it so. Imagine if you did not relinquish Atlas to your sister's embrace, how would that have affected this timeline?"

"Ares would have died, and Atlas would have never forgiven me." I turned to look at the expanse of glittering lakes as I once again felt melancholic.

"Wrong. Atlas would have been happier. Ares would not have left his Luna's side. And your sister would have been free to choose a man that she had  initially been interested in."

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Your sister had a crush on a certain vampire named Garett Flint, they've been dating for a few weeks before you shoved her towards Atlas. Because both your sister and Atlas were trying to adjust to the sudden knowledge of how they were supposed to make things between them work, Ares had to step in to meet with certain investors and had to leave his Luna unprotected when the Whiffs attacked. As you can see, Penumbra... your decisions have an impact on everyone else around you. Had you claimed Atlas and not paired him off with your sister, then things would have worked out in the end. But as it is, I see that things are now falling into place, albeit differently than what should have been a less painful experience than what you are going through right now."

"But they were mates... I had no..."

"You keep forgetting dear child, that as the Penumbra you can alter any plans the moon goddess originally had. You are the moon personified, you are the goddess... and as such you can rewrite what was originally destined."

"I didn't know. Does this mean, that I caused this pain on all of us?" I asked, knowing for certain that the answer was a resounding yes.

"Atlas feels connected to you still. Your hold on his heart has not loosened. Genevieve still misses Garett, but is determined to prolong Atlas' life. Ares is in love with you, more than the love that Atlas felt and still feels."

"But they look so happy together. I thought..."

"Looks can be deceiving. Your sister is adjusting, determined to carry on the task that you placed on her shoulders... that of taking care of Atlas. Atlas tries his best to form a loving relationship with Genevieve, but there's still a little place in his heart that remains empty. Ares is the luckiest of all. His heart is full of love and happiness, though he sometimes questions his worth and why he was so lucky to be bonded with you. But enough about them. What about you Glare... how are you coping?"

"After everything that you've divulged, I am lost as to whether I made the right choice. Can things be made better? I've trapped my poor sister in a situation I created, and yet I have been full of anger towards her since the day that I've caused her pain."

"We cannot undo our choices, we can only move forward. Everyday is a chance to make things better. I suggest you start by letting Genevieve know how sorry you are. Stop blaming her for what was planned by the moon goddess. Release her from the guilt that you've imposed on her and Atlas... they don't deserve your anger my Penumbra." The Alpha King smiled sadly at me.

"Your wisdom has shown me a bigger picture. Thank you, your highness." 

"It's easy to see the bigger picture when you're not a part of it. Plus, I have many eyes that keep me informed about all these matters. Said eyes have been with me since the day I ascended the throne. They have been loyal to me until this day." He looked out into the the glittering lakes.

"You're lucky to have them then. Atleast you're always well informed before making a choice, while as I only have my emotions and intellect to count on."

"That's not true. Use you powers. Your ability to see the muddled past, as well as the uncertain future. Then base your decisions from there."

"I don't have that ability yet. I'm improving day by day. But I still don't have all my powers."

"That was why I was hoping your mother, Gisselle would be present tonight." He sighed disappointedly. "I was hoping she would help me discuss the Book of Lament with you."

"Why do you know of these books?" I asked genuinely surprised.

"Because many years ago, the second Penumbra relinquished one of the books to me... after I killed her."

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