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The house was bathed in light.

Warm, brilliant, beautiful light. 

"I'm here." The deep, husky voice called out to me. It seemed to come from everywhere.

"Where are you?" I called out to it.

"I'm here, find me." There was too much light, blinding me, obscuring his exact whereabouts.

"I can't see you. Where are you?" I felt my soul being pulled forward. Longing, seeking, wanting.

"Here, my love. I'm here. Waiting for you."

I tried to focus, there were several luminous spheres, all with voices calling out to their mates. To their own forever partner. None of them was his.

"Help me find you." I pleaded.

"I'm the one who lost his Luna. I'm the one you need to tie yourself to. The one destined for you to find... to love."

"Where are you!" I was beginning to panic. The light was fading, the room was getting darker.

"I will wait for you to love me back. Find me, Penumbra." His voice, along with the light, completely faded away as I emerged from my dream.

I woke up with a start. My body suddenly jolted forward. My senses were on alert. 

"Glare?" My mother sat beside my bed, holding my left hand, looking worried.

"Mother! I heard him."

"Who?" She looked confused.

"An Alpha, calling out to me. He lost his Luna. I'm supposed to find him, to take the place of his Luna and ensure that he achieves his full potential, and his destiny."

"Who is he? Where can we find him?"

"I don't know. He came to me in a dream. In a different plane of consciousness. His soul called out to me. He felt... familiar. Like I've known him before. My soul felt him, felt that I... belong to him."

"Could it be that it was nothing more than a dream?"

"No. My very soul communicated with him. I know it was not a dream. I need to find him."

"What do you propose to do? How should we proceed, Penumbra."

"Alert the mages. Order them to scour the land. Tell them to find a pack that recently lost its Luna. Inform me once they have achieved their task." I threw the blanket off me to get out of bed. I had a mission, and I was going to achieve it.

"As you wish. Also, the council of Elders are convened at the solarium. Mages, witches, and warlocks are trying to reason with the outsiders. They are having a heated argument with the Nephilims who lost a large number of their soldiers at your Ascension." My mother informed me.

"Who's leading this revolt?"

"Their leader is Santino De Santis."

"The same Nephilim who was against you being on the seat of Elders?"

"One and the same."

"I will deal with him mother. Inform them that I will be joining the discussion shortly. I will just need to change out of my pajamas." My mother nodded, then made to exit my bedroom.

I hurriedly changed into a more suitable attire. I donned on a simple lavender polo shirt with white pants and white canvas shoes, then opened the door to make my way to the large solarium. My feet never touched the ground. One of the powers that were activated by my Ascension was the ability to float.

Raised voices were silenced by my arrival, everyone stared as I glided effortlessly into the airy space they currently occupied.

"Penumbra." The Elders bowed to acknowledge my title.

"De Santis! Why are you hellbent on assaulting my coven?" I asked as I approached his army of Nephilims.

"Levitating in front of me. Trying to impress everyone, or trying to prove your abilities?"

"Neither. It is an ability that was awaked after the powers of the moon were bestowed on me."

"A cheap trick! Even magicians at the circus can do that! If you are truly the Penumbra then how come you were powerless to defend everyone present at your so-called Ascension? Lives were taken! You proved powerless, useless. This is nothing more than a desperate attempt for the Rosewaters to stay in power. You're no Penumbra... just a weak, insignificant pawn in your family's scheme to hold on to power."

His statement both insulted and infuriated me. Before I could stop myself, magical powers coursed uncontrollably through my every vein. In seconds, I watched as De Santis was suspended in mid-air, unable to move, the air being choked from his lungs. His army made an attempt to attack me, they drew their flaming swords and proceeded to raise it in an attempt to strike me.

I raised my left palm, and all their swords turned to ashes. Their looks of disbelief were evident, they were shocked that their indestructible form of defense was easily destroyed by someone as small in their eyes as me.

"Observe as I render your army immobile De Santis. In your suspended state, can you free them? Or are you as helpless as I was when I was under the moon's caress?" I asked as I tightened my choke on him. "Always too proud of your position, your bloodline, your title. Allow me to unburden you with all that." I stared at him as all the runes on his body began to disappear, one by one his magical protection disappeared in front of his army. His eyes showed panic as I turned him into a snivelling mortal. "You underestimated me. I am not an ordinary magical creature, infact I am more than a god... I am a Titan. As the moon is, so shall I be." The process was completed, I lowered him gently to the center of the solarium, then freed his army as well. No one moved to help him, he was now useless to them. A mere mortal who could not command an army of fallen angels, nor summon a flaming sword.

"What have you done!" He screamed at me.

"I took away your powers. I took away everything you hold dear. You are now useless, powerless, unworthy. Know that any attempt in the future from the Nephilims, or other factions from any magical circles, will be dealt with in the same manner. I will not have anyone question my abilities, nor my title." 

"You monster!"

"Look at yourself De Santis before you call me that. Power hungry, proud, and unjust. That is what you are... traits that a monster possess. I merely gave you what you deserved." I turned my attention at his army. "Take him away from here. What you do with him is none of my concern. Tell your superiors that I demand your unquestioning loyalty... or you will all suffer the same fate as De Santis. Now leave!" 

They took De Santis by both arms like a prisoner, then they vanished one by one.

I swept the room with my gaze. All the Elders, my mother included bowed to acknowledge my status.

"Penumbra, we await your orders." Carina, the head of the mages said as she removed her white hood to look at me.

"Find me my Alpha." I commanded, and they all faded away as one by one they carried out my order.

"The Replacement Luna..."Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora