"GET OUT..."

Just arrived at the big audience hall's entrance, Ding Peng already encountered an eunuch ran out all the way from inside the hall trying frantically to escape, followed by a loud noise of ting ling tang lang , --- That was from a thrown out appliance, must be of gold or silver, like a pile of garbage, rolled down the steps and tumbled on the ground, give out a clear and melodious sound.

Shaking his head, if not because he was confident that the Emperor unlikely to vent his anger on his closest and trustful subject, he would have turned around and ran away.

Betting on the Emperor who had been particularly trusted him, Ding Ping entered the hall.

Jing, even not wearing his outer robe, was sitting in front of a pile of official documents. His hair rolled up like it was not enough time to comb it. On the table, the bronze mirror and the comb were still there, looked like the eunuch just now was shooed away while helping him with his washing, combing and dressing routine.

If Jing was not the Emperor, with his glamorous beauty, he would definitely be the target of innumerable rich people who would fall over each other in their eagerness to groom him. ---- Jing disliked his subjects to have a clear look upon his appearances. Ding Peng was one of the few officials who could come in contact with Jing's true colors.

A man with such special facial features as well as an honorable status like him, would unexpectedly be infatuated with a man, in addition, : Lu Cang's facial features wasn't even up to par with Jing's, less to say his kung-fu, his status, his ability and wisdom, and so on and so on and so on.... ----- For an experienced and knowledgeable Ding Peng, he truly a little couldn't understand what exactly that made Jing this infatuated with Lu Cang. By losing this very man, he went as far as to losing his self-control that he was so proud of.

But since everything had already happened, as a humble loyal subject, he could only give the Emperor the most possible advice on how to best resolve the problem. "Your Majesty......" Ding Peng moved forward to approach Jing.

Hearing a footstep, Jing angrily lifted his head. When he saw clearly that it was Ding Peng's, his face calmed down a bit.

"What's the matter?" Jing's facial color was very bad. It was caused by the sleep deprived in a long term and irregular meals.

"Your humble subject pleads on behalf of Your Majesty's 72 concubines, 2000 palace maids, 2000 eunuchs, and 1000 of my imperial guards subordinates for a request. " Ding Peng knelt down with his eyes looking on the ground.

As he expected, Jing took the bait and surely enough be confused. Lifted his head, He asked with a hint of baffled : "What kind of request?"

"Request that your Majesty decree to hold a procession for inspecting the Jiangnan area."

Hearing the words "Jiangnan", there was a sudden slight change in Jing's face color.

"The Jiangnan area is fine. Why should I go the rounds?" Jing faintly could already guess a bit of Ding Peng's intentions, but he deliberately assumed an air of completely didn't notice.

"Report Your Majesty. Since the last time Your Majesty inspected the Jiangnan area, it has been 3 years long. About the Jiangnan's general affairs, they have been neglected. It will cause a disadvantage for our Datong's vast territory to leave it un-ruled....."

To provide the Emperor with a high-sounding excuses to do what he wanted to do, was the most important task as an official. ---—Ding Ping even almost praised himself for his own loyalty.

"Of course, this is considering the 5000 courtiers sake,.... "Ding Ping added on a line.

Jing stood up, a not easy to perceive smile appeared from the corner of his mouth.

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