Chapter 13

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Lu Cang understood the meaning behind those eyes, it was saying : hmph, His Majesty won't be always favoring you this way.

But Lu Cang could do nothing about it. He could just gracefully back to sit and elegantly continue to dawn his wine in order to drown his sorrow.

This also wasn't the very first time that Zhang Zi Dong openly offended Lu Cang. It was just because Jing as the emperor had clearly divided between his personal matters and the public affairs. --- He would depose or dethrone the royal concubines who offended Lu Cang, as well as, If the royal courtiers, regarding Lu Cang's issue, ridiculed and mocked Lu Cang with their sarcasm speech, Jing would either admonished them or just conveniently solved the issue with a win-win solution.

Although he wanted the both of them to be happy together, after all, since young Jing had received the education to be an emperor. There was no way for him, because of his affection and sentiment for his male lover, clouded and affected his overall judgement. --- All and all, it was his predicament as the supreme ruler.

Lu Cang understood that it was the privilege of Jing's status. Deep in his heart he felt that the status of his lover was in the way, made him unable to recklessly protect himself. Thus he couldn't help but suffer the unspeakable loneliness.

Perhaps, for other people, the honorable status of their lover would make them happy, proud and arrogant. But in Lu Cang's heart, he would rather like if Jing was only a commoner.

His expectation about his love life was two people lived happily together by merely relying on one another, there wasn't any need to fight for Jing's attention, between his duty and his lover, and he wouldn't be troubled by their future.

"Lord Lu, what do you usually do to pass your time?" Beyond all expectations, even after witnessing all of this commotion, Liu Zhong Tang still willingly came to talk with him. Lu Cang who had suffered many of the officials supercilious look, simply felt overwhelmed by this extremely flattered unexpected favor.

Without caring for the astonished look from the official beside him, Liu Zhong Tang as if had bond a very good relationship with Lu Cang, all through the banquet, would frequently talk with Lu Cang. By accompanying him, he had brightened up Lu Cang's pride whose self-esteem was decreased by the insult just now.

The unpleasant banquet finally over. Lu Cang and Liu Zhong Tang made a promise to pay a visit to each other next time. Dragging his tired and sleepy body back to his mansion, Lu Cang was surprised to see Jing unexpectedly already sitting in his bedroom.

"What's the matter?" Lu Cang carelessly took off his outer robe as he asked.

He wasn't the least bit angry at Jing. It was because he fully aware the handicaps of their relationship and he couldn't voice out his disappointment so he behaved this way. It was also to be obvious about his rather unwell condition.

"Today, I didn't dispose that Zhang Zi Dong, do you feel that I have wronged you?" Jing fixed his brilliant shining eyes on Lu Cang.

"How's that possible? I am not a girl. As if I would get angry if a man didn't come to my rescue."

As he took off his formal attire which he wore to enter the imperial palace, Lu Cang put his sleeping robe on his shoulder. He went to sit on the chair in front of Jing.

"Cang.... I know you weren't happy. But I also have my difficulties...." Jing walked over, he put his hands on Lu Cang's shoulder.

"I know."

Lu Cang's tone was as gentle as a sigh, but in Jing's ear, it felt more like a sulking tone.

"No, I know you are being angry...." Jing gently caressed and stroke Lu Cang's neck with his hand. His leg also lightly rubbed against Lu Cang's

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