Chapter 17

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Without even noticing, the season had changed from late autumn to early winter. Since Lu Cang left the Imperial Capital, it had been a full month.

Within this month, Lu Cang spent his time to play around with his brothers to his heart content. The time he spent with them patched and mended his heart and soul, and the thoughts about Jing also desolated and left out in the cold.

The city of Hangzhou was really the land of all feasting and revelry. Every and each day was a peaceful life filled with fine wine, delicious food, and many more entertainment. Lu Cang as if had regained his long lost pride as a man. He restored his heroic spirit from the former days and resumed his status as the king of the mountain bandit. Regarding that Jing, who would be happy to explore his fragile heart, he buried him deeply in the depth of his heart. So deep that as if he had already forgotten about him.

Thanks to his brothers' persistence in playing matchmaker, Lu Cang had met some of Hangzhou's renowned beauties, but for the time being, Lu Cang honestly didn't have any intention to get married and set up a family. Instead, comparing to that, he was actually very happy to be acquainted with several famous courtesans and enjoyed drinking with them. They had a bold and uninhibited living disposition, they also esteemed and revered a fine average person like Lu Cang. At the arrival of him, they would always have a hundred thousand zeal of warmth value. Slowly, all of Lu Cang's once trampled and shattered male pride and self-respect was being restored by their enthusiasm.

Compare to the warm winter in Hangzhou city, the winter in the Imperial Capital apparently was much more colder and rigid. Because of the nonstop falling snow since last night, the freezing icy cold air had been somewhat increasing. It made the whole occupants inside the forbidden city curled up and endlessly shivered with cold.

However, even way colder than the winter air outside, was the mood of all of His Majesty the Emperor daily attendants.

"How is His Majesty today?" The next eunuch in duty secretly asked the one he had to take over from on the corridor passage.

With his face ashen and defeated, the eunuch shook his head. He spoke in a lowered voice, : "Last night the Emperor threw another fierce temper tantrum in Lady Li bed chamber and drove her away, out in the great snow. This morning he's barely eaten his breakfast again..." (Lady is a bit higher status than a concubine)

The eunuch that asked suddenly turned to a deathly pale face. --- Due to Jing's terrible temper, in just this one month, three eunuchs were severely punished for their tiny mistake.

Now all of the servants who were tasked with serving the Emperor duty would have to put their head on the line. Having heard that today's Jing's mood was particularly bad, he began to worry. Would this be the last day he stayed in the human realm?

Concerning the reason why His Majesty's state of mind was so bad like that, there had been lot of hearsays passing on and plenty of rumors been flying about. The most talked theory among those was because of the execution of the Marquis. But judging by Jing's weird behavior, - regularly in the middle of the night, he would order to prepare a sedan chair and visited the already unoccupied mansion of the Marquis-, this point of speculation was certainly the closest to the fact.

"Already knew it would be like this, why did it in the first place?....." Seeing the Emperor's face with each day passing by gradually had become haggard and irritable, the commander of Imperial guards Ding Peng, could only secretly heave a big sigh.

Two of his own subordinates, in the course of Jing's bad temper, had met the unfortunate events. Been hit severely, even until today, they still couldn't crawled up from bed. If this kind of condition was to continue, he afraid that the palace would be very soon out of servants who could wait on His Majesty daily life.

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