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Hi !! My name is Mia , I am 15 years old i  living in a small community name Jack's Hill  . when people hear about Jack's Hill  they think about rich only not remembering that there is poor and middle class people which makes the community balance to me . Most people think I am one of the hype person in my community causes I hardly talk people and I don't come out of the houses unless it is go school , shop or to run errands . I live in a nice houses which has few fixing up to be down on it which we are planning to finish this year or next year in may . anyways i attend Merl Grove high school , i am in 10 grade ,
my main goal is to finish school with 16 cxc and 5 capes subjects . Many males hit on me in my community but i don't look their way until i did for this  one *sigh*.

 Many males hit on me in my community but i don't look their way until i did for this  one *sigh*

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time for you to hear about my life and how I mess up multiple times (SHAKE MY HEAD)

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