}{Scene 4}{

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Name POV

'For the sake of you all living a happy life, I'll do it. I'll do it for you...Mama.' There's still  time before that day arrives, for now, I should enjoy Ai's concert perhaps I can help her shine as brightly as before. 

I can't do the dance my siblings are doing but, I can try!

"What's with those babies?!"

"They're doing a full-on Idol fan dance!!?"

"Not to mention way better than an infant should!"

Fans shouted in shock at Ruby and Aqua's impressive dance. "You came 'cause you were worried huh?! It looks like you're enjoying this more than anyone else!" Miyako yelled at us. 'Instinct took over!'  Ruby and Aqua thought.


Miyako was looking at the video of Ruby and Aqua doing their Otaku dance on Twitter with all of us around her. I wasn't captured in the video, it was only those two. "210,000 retweets...and the reposted one has over two million views. Content of babies is easy to go viral, but still." She said knowing what was coming for her. 

"Let's have a little talk." The president grunted as he dragged Miyako outside the apartment. Ai took out her phone and started scrolling through Twitter again. Her eyes scanned through all the comments until they landed on a particular one. 

'THIS RIGHT HERE!!!! THERE IT IS!!!!!!!' the comment read, it was from the same person who commented on Ai's smile feeling fake. 

"I see, so this is good huh? I'll keep that in mind" She whispered to herself.

My theory seems to be correct, I'm not meant to be in this world so the video only caught Aqua and Ruby, not me even though we were all together dancing. Indeed I would have been in the video but since I'm an error here the world could be trying to fix itself, so not including me in the video may have been its start. I still have 4 more years to flesh everything out and fix this, dying or not I'll take the risk to make my family happy. 

{One year later} Aqua POV

A year has passed since then. We've grown up to the point where it's no longer suspicious for us to be talking or walking around and my sister...

"Mama mama!" Ruby shouted as she ran towards Ai, "Hm? Ruby?" Ai asked when Ruby fell onto her lap. "I want head pats please!" She asked, "Sure, pat pat." Ai said as she gave Ruby head pats. "Ah, a pure land of perfect bliss." Ruby squeals with joy. 

My sister has become the embodiment of a fan who clings to their idol and brands them 'Mama'.  "Huh? Where did you learn such a difficult phrase like that? Could it be that you..." Ai started causing Ruby and me to tense up. 'Could it be that Ai is starting to get suspicious of us...' I think to myself.

"Well, I..." Ruby tried to explain but Ai cut her off, "Are you like some kinda super genius? Heh, must be genetic." She chuckled. Ruby and I let out a sigh of relief, 'No way at all, so we spend peaceful days together.'


'Well somewhat peaceful' I think as our little brother runs up to Ai with tears in his eyes. "What's wrong [Name]?" Ai asks worriedly as she picks him up and rocks him back and forth in her arms. "M-my friends are being mean again!" He cries into Ai's shoulder.

This has been happening for about a week now. [Name] would come in crying about his imaginary friends being mean to him and Ai would comfort him until he stops crying, he even chooses playing with his imaginary friends over Ruby and I. Well, hopefully he gets over this phase soon and starts making real friends when we enter school, or at least talk to Ruby and I a bit more. 

"Don't worry [Name] Mama's here, I'll make sure that they stop being mean to you okay." Ai assured him, "Promise, Mama?" [Name] asked looking up at her, "Mhm, Promise." Ai smiled down at him, like magic [Name] stopped crying and he turned to Ruby. "Onee-san, can we go draw together?" He asks Ruby shyly.


"Really?!" Ruby asks shocked that he wants to do something with her, "Mhm, I'll go get the paper you get the crayons!!" He giggled as he got off Ai's lap and ran towards our little play table to get the paper. Ruby smiled brightly and followed him. "Why don't you go draw with them too, Aqua? I wonder what you all will create?" Ai asked, she got up to look at what Ruby and [Name] were drawing.

'This is the first time he's ever wanted to do anything with us...' I walked over to them and took a peak at what they were drawing. Ruby was attempting to draw Ai but it's not looking so good.

[Name] looks like he's just drawing random thing onto the paper. "Mama, look, look!" he called out to Ai, happily showing her his drawings.

"Aww, who did you draw?" Ai asked, looking at his drawing. "Uh, this is Tan-sensei, Mem-chan, I don't remember this one's name...or this one.." He pointed out at each person he drew. "This one is of Mama getting strawberry Jam from a fan and this one is Ruby having fun with Mem-chan!" He explained what each drawing was.

That one of Ai getting strawberry Jam looks so wrong, almost like she's getting stabbed...but then again his art skills need a lot of work so it's probably just strawberry jam.

"I drew mama too, see!" Ruby piped up proudly showing off her drawing. 

"Uwah, my kids are so talented!!" Ai exclaimed and scooped the 3 of us into a bone crushing hug.

[Name] POV

'Perfect' I smile to myself in the embrace AI trapped us in. Step one is complete, now onto step 2. As you know the current events of the timeline don't change drastically but there are small changes that will occur. For the following months Ai started landing more jobs ranging from modeling to radio host assistant. 

Now we're heading to the site for the film she's going to appear in. Us kids were sitting in the back seat while Ai was in the passenger and Miyako was driving. "Mama it's your first TV drama how fun!" Ruby exclaimed happily leaning forward to Ai. 

"It's only and minor role though." Ai smiled at her. Miyako gripped the steering wheel nervously as she spoke, " Now listen here you three, You kept insisting so I brought you along but please remember to absolutely no call Ai 'Mama' on set. Understand." She started, "Don't forget the story is that your my kids" she reminded us. 

"yeah yeah, Mama mama gimme some headpats." Aqua said to Ai, "Me too Mama!" Ai joked along. "Mama gimme my allowance." Ruby joined in, "Are we there yet Mama?" I smiled at Miyako. 'Grh' she let out a groan of irritation.

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