}{Scene 2}{

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[Name] POV

I'm sitting on the sofa beside Ai as she picks up Aqua. "Are you hungry Aqua? Want to nurse?" She asked him. Aqua blushed deeply and squirmed around in Ai's arms to signal that he didn't want to nurse. "Huh? You don't want to?" Ai said as she put him down and grabbed his bottle, which was filled with formula. 

"You sure like your bottle don't you?" As Ai gave Aqua his bottle he sucked on it desperately eating. 'I'm not going to lie, but it feels a bit boring to be watching this again.' I think as I keep watching Aqua suck on his bottle. 

Ai then picks me up, "How about you [Name]? Do you want to nurse?" She asked me. I looked at her for a while, unsure if I should whine and make grabby hands at her or squirm around in refusal. Since I'm trying to keep up the act of a normal baby...I should nurse from her 2 days a week and then bottle feed for 3 days but I'll have to keep it at random. I whine and make grabby hands towards Ai. She pulls down her shirt and brassier, bringing me closer to latch onto her breast. 

'I'll definitely regret this in a while.' I frown. As I just started to get some milk Ruby cried for Ai.

 "In a minute Ruby," Ai said as she walked with me over to the crib. I quickly gulp a lot of milk before detaching my mouth, I let out a small cough from the acting but at least Ai will now know I'm finished. "Done already?" She said but ended up putting me down and picking up Ruby.

Just like in the anime, Ruby gulped lots of milk and then smirked at Aqua as she swallowed. "Time for work." President Saitou told as he and his wife came in. Ai put Ruby down next to Aqua and she moved me to sit beside them as well. She bent down and placed a kiss on all of our foreheads, "I'll be back." she said before leaving with President Saitou.

'What to do now?' I thought as I flopped onto Aqua. Ruby was going off on her creepy little speech on how as a girl she's allowed to suck on Ai's breasts all she wants. 'No matter how often I've seen his scene it still makes me a bit uncomfortable.' I look at Aqua, then at my hand, then back up at him. 

'I shouldn't...but I am a baby.' feeling mischievous I raise one of my hands and hit Aqua in the face. I do it again but I act like I'm playing instead of hitting him. 

"Stop that [Name]," He says batting my hands from touching his face. Just as I was about to fake cry Ruby interrupted us. 

"Aqua, go over there, I need a diaper change!" she informed us embarrassed. Aqua got down from the sofa and pulled me down, of course since he has the strength of a baby I had to somewhat try and push myself off the sofa. Ruby started crying loudly for Miyako to come to change her diaper.

(3rd person POV)

"Why am I doing this?" Miyako sighed as she changed Ruby's diaper, an exhausted look in her eyes. "I'm the president's wife. The only reason I married that man was so I could get to be around hot guys!!" She ranted as she wrapped up the dirty diaper. "But instead I'm made to babysit the kids of a sixteen-year-old idol!? AND THE FATHER IS UNKNOWN SO SHE'S A SINGLE PARENT, THAT'S WAY TOO DARK!!! I DIDN'T GET MARRIED TO BE A DAMN BABYSITTER!!!!" Miyako yelled in frustration, stoning the dirty diaper into the trashcan. 

Ruby, Aqua and [Name] all looked at her from the sofa as she vented out her frustrations. "Why is she so upset? Serving Mama should bring nothing but happiness to anyone! Is she sick in the head or something?" Ruby asked. "No, what she's saying is surprisingly valid," Aqua answered.

"There's a scandal being covered up here right? Oh I know, What if I sell this juicy info to a tabloid and make bank?" Miyako contemplated a dark aura emitted from her as she spoke. "This is bad! what do we do?? Should we kill her?" Ruby asked panicked. "The size difference will make it difficult," Aqua told her. "I was only joking but you were thinking about it?!"

"Screw this, I'll do it!!" Miyako yelled. She rummaged through the drawers and pulled out the maternity notebook, and other evidence and she started taking photos of them on her phone. Ruby and Aqua were scared of what she was doing, not wanting Ai to lose her career over this. Just then Aqua had formulated a plan. He whispered to Ruby giving her the basic idea of what they should do.

"Heh heh, with the money I'll get from selling these, I'll buy Moet at the host club and push my favourite host to the top!!" Miyako laughed. "Foolish girl, the thirst in your heart cannot be quenched by champagne," Aqua called out. "Huh, who said that?!" Miyako asked a bit scared, there was only supposed to be her and the babies in the apartment, not someone else.

She fell and looked up, there up on the table were Ruby and Aqua looking down at her. "I am a messenger of God, and your careless rampage will not be looked over!" Aqua yelled at her. Miyako was visibly startled but not entirely. "A messenger from God? A baby is talking this can't be real." She scoffed. "Does your common sense say that babies can talk? Face the truth." Aqua said trying to save himself. 

"Uhh, even if you say that God sent you I don't believe in all that religious stuff soo.." Miyako waved off. "Oh wait this must be some sort of hidden camera prank right? Ai-san must be appearing in a program where the prank managers or something! I've heard of this before." Miyako laughed off but she was still worried. 'This isn't working!!' Aqua panicked.

Miyako turned around and saw [Name] staring right at her with cold lifeless eyes. His star pupils seemed to darken. It was as if they just packed up and left, the hollow empty stare pierced through her soul. A cold shiver ran up Miyako's spine as she looked at him. His stare caused panic to bubble up in her, she quickly turned away and looked at the other two on the table trying to remain calm. "R-Ruby-chan come here being on the table is dangerous y-you know." She said trying to remain calm as she reached out for Ruby. 

Ruby slapped her hand away and looked down at Miyako, in a chilling voice Ruby started, "Know your place."

Miyako flinched at the sudden slap. "I am Amaterasu incarnate...The God you people speak of."

"God...?" Miyako whispered, frightened. She sat back down on the floor moving away from the twins on the table but not too far because [Name] was right behind her. "Thou art on the verge of abandoning thy destiny." Ruby continued. "My Destiny?" Miyako asked. 

"Hoshino Ai was chosen by the God of entertainment. Further, these children are triples who bear a monumental destiny.", Ruby looked into Miyako's eyes as she spoke, "It is thy destiny to watch over them. Thy deeds run contrary to the will of the Gods. Should thou not desist, divine punishment shall be visited upon thee." She finished.

"Punishment?! What do you mean, please be more specific!!" Miyako begged. "Specifically? It means..."

"You die," Aqua added. "Yes, you die!" Ruby confirmed. "No, that's too specific!!" Miyako cried. "What should I do?" she sobbed. Ruby placed her small hand on top of Miyako and smiled down at her. "Guard the secret of their mother and us. Moreover, dote on these children and give them anything they ask. In reward, you shall marry a handsome actor in the future." Ruby completed.

"Seriously?! I'll do it! I'll do whatever you ask of me!! I'll even lick the insoles if needed!!" She yelled happily. "Thou needn't go that far."

In the end, Miyako spent the rest of her time dusting and cleaning the apartment while she happily sang a song about remarrying a hot actor. 

She had put the triples into their individual baby walker for the time being. "Do you think that was the right call?" Ruby sighed and asked. Aqua explained that with what they did, they can now go outside. "You know that was quite a convincing performance. Have you done theatre before?" He asked. Ruby shook her head and explained that it was the first time she had done that. The twins continued talking to each other and Aqua asked Ruby if she was in any school plays. Ruby simply replied that she grew up in an unusual environment and they left it at that and continued talking. 

Meanwhile [Name] was scheming on how to keep Ai safe as he walked around in his baby walker. 'Ai had said that the orphanage didn't teach her about the importance of door chains, she also isn't aware of her surrounding that much. If Ai is to live and continue being an idol I should start by making her more aware of things happening around her, but just how?'

                                ¶To be continued¶

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