Chapter 2

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Important plot points:

1. Subodhi teaches Wukong the way of immortality as well as the 72 transformation, cloud summersault, and changing his hair into duplicates or various other objects
2. Wukong returns home to Flower Fruit Mountain and finds out that the Monstrous King of Havoc has been kidnapping his monkey subjects and stealing his things in an attempt to take over Water Curtain Cave
3. Wukong find the demon, kills him and his entire demon army, rescues the kidnapped monkeys, and his monkey kingdom is overjoyed to have him back and go back to living in peace


This chapter begins with Wukong unwittingly spending 6-7 years in Master Subodhi's cave, learning proper etiquette and calligraphy and doing household and garden chores. One day, Subodhi asks Wukong what he wishes to learn. Wukong replies that he'd learn anything Subodhi chooses to teach him, and then proceeds to reject any of Subodhi's suggested teachings on the grounds that they do not lead to immortality.

Subodhi hits Wukong on the head 3 times, folds his arms behind his back, and walks into the cave closing the door behind him, which Wukong somehow accurately figured out meant that Subodhi wanted him to wait until the third watch and come in through the back doors so he could teach Monkey the ways of immortality in private.

Wukong learns the ways of immortality and his other abilities like the cloud summersault and 72 transformations, shows off to his fellow disciples, and get kicked out by Subodhi for this. Wukong goes back to Flower Fruit Mountain and is informed by his subjects that they've been being tortured by the Monstrous King of Havoc, a nearby demon who wishes to take over Water Curtain Cave and has been stealing their things and kidnapping their monkeys.

Wukong immediately leaves to handle the situation and the demon makes the grave mistake of challenging Wukong to a fight which ends in him getting killed with his own weapon and his entire army being killed and his home being burned to the ground. Wukong returns victorious to Flower Fruit Mountain with all the stolen monkeys and items, fills his subjects in on where he's been the last 20 years, and they all celebrate his wonderful return and rescue of their home.

Everything's going so well right now! What could possibly go wrong?

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