platonic: abe x pavel

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Just a cute bonding moment between a dedicated pavel and exasperated abe

1...there is a tired pavel just forcing himself to stay awake days in a row scared that abe is in danger due to his illicit activities

2...abe just begging him to sleep and pavel stubbornly refusing any and all form of selfcare as he takes his job as a guardian to abe far too seriously

3...abe just getting fed up and ordering him to go to sleep when pavel just tells him how scared he is that abe will be in danger without him

4...abe just shouts at him saying that he has multiple other guardians to take care of him in times of danger then promising him saying that he wasnt leaving the safety of his warded mansion

5...pavel agreeing to go to sleep only if abe cuddles him (as guardians are extremely light sleepers and abe has no way to leave without waking pavel up)

6...abe is annoyed but agrees as he is worried about his closest friend and is ready to do about anything to get pavel to start taking more care of himself

7...abe decides to sing hush little baby to pavel to help him go to sleep as well as win the argument

8...pavel is relaxed with his bff ,whom he considers his brother ,singing a ridiculous lullabye to him

9...even abe falls asleep happy that he is safe and warm and with his best friend

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