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I was at my dorm, grabbing a couple of things so I could meet the group for dinner, since I left early last week I decided to go early this time to make up for it. 

Mingi slept over at Yunho's so I had the dorm to myself in a long time, so hearing a knock at the door made me pause for a second as I stared at it in confusion. 

If it was any of my friends they would've just walked right in. 

I hesitated before making my way over to the door, opening it just to feel my stomach drop. 

"Mom?" I breathed, dropping my phone. 

"Shit! Wooyoung!" She scowled at me, grabbing it off the floor. "Can you afford to lose your phone?" 

"What are you doing here?" I asked, I wasn't sure I was breathing and if I was, it wasn't right. 

"Right...right sorry." She took a deep breath, "Um...can I come in?" 

I looked inside the messy dorm but knew she wouldn't care much since she knows me. Plus, part of this was Mingi's fault. 

I stepped aside for her to come in and like I predicted, she didn't even give the mess a second glance. 

"It took longer than it should've for me to get here, I'll spare you on the details cause I doubt you care." She said. 

"Where's Kyungmin?" I blurted. 

She nodded like she expected the question. "He's with a friend of mine, one of my friends live in town. I didn't want to bring him just because I wanted some time to talk, but later you can see him if you want." 

"Okay." I said, shifting my weight. "You said you wanted to talk?" 

"Right, I wanted to apologize." She said and I must've looked absolutely dumbfounded because she scoffed, "Come on, I'm not that bad at apologizing." 

"Why are you apologizing?" I asked. 

She gave me a look like I was an idiot and it made me scowl at her. How could being around her be so difficult but comfortable at the same time? She was young when she had me, really young. So she was always closer to my age than most moms, and maybe that made us feel more like friends than a mom and son. So it was hard not to feel comfortable with her, even if it was a poor circumstance. 

"Because I blamed you for what happened. That was wrong, and I'm sorry. I don't want to excuse how shitty that was of me, it wasn't your problem and I shouldn't have put it on you. I just..." She sighed, already frowning. "I wanted to tell you what had happened, but I let my anger get the best of me and I took it out on you. It's not your fault, and it's certainly not your fault that you're gay. I would never have a problem with any of my kids being gay, it just came out so horribly wrong and I regretted it the moment we ended the call. I should've called you right back."

"Why didn't you?" I said. 

"Because I have too much pride." She answered honestly and I couldn't exactly blame her. She was my mom, and she was where I got the same pride from. It was hard for me to apologize first too, so I understand her point. "Which is stupid, I shouldn't have pride when it comes to my children. I just eventually thought it would be better to talk to you in person instead of a half assed apology over the phone."

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