Surviving Mrs Tang (2)

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Few minutes later, all of them had gathered at their big dinning table. The size of the dinning room was at least six times the size of a normal dinning room. This often made her eat in her room rather than in the dinning room. To her, the dinning room possessed an air of loneliness making her unable to eat well.

"It's a good thing Nanny Tang had all these dishes made. I wouldn't have been able to cook a single thing. My back hurts." Mrs Tang said.

" It's okay dear. Let's eat. Bao Jun, you eat too." Mr Tang said.

Xinyi gazed at her parents picking up her chopsticks. All the dishes were indeed appetizing.

"Xinyi, have some tofu. You like it." Xinyi heard her mother say.

"Mapo tofu, Kung Pao chicken, Braised pork, Fried cabbage. Wow, uncle. You are indeed enjoying." Bao Jun said.

" And you could too. You are the only male grandchild in our family. We all have expectations of you. Instead you went to open an agency. What will that do for you?" Mr Tang asked.

" I'm famous. Besides, I like appearing on TV. Isn't that good?" Bao Jun replied earning a look from Xinyi's father.

" Forget it. As long as you don't corrupt Xinyi too." Mr Tang said making Xinyi cough all of a sudden.

"Dear, are you okay?" Mrs Tang said getting up to get Xinyi water.

Mr Tang smiled as he returned back to his food eating.

"Uncle, how can I corrupt Xinyi? Xinyi is doing great. Taking all the lessons you asked her to, she has the best grades in her school. In fact, I believe she will definitely become the next Einstein." Bao Jun said as Mrs Tang attended to Xinyi.

" Better to be Einstein than to follow you." Mr Tang said.

Xinyi patted her chest as she tried to overcome the after effects of the spicy food that nearly killed her. Did her father know? No. It was impossible.

"I'm full. Can I go and sleep? I feel like I'm coming down with a headache." Xinyi said.

" Yes. You can go. I will ask Nanny Tang to bring you some medicine later." Mrs Tang said.

Xinyi quickly rushed to her room closing the door as if someone was chasing her. Well, her own heart was chasing her. The loud sound of her heartbeat as she panicked filled the room. Luckily she had escaped today. Collapsing on her bed, Xinyi took a second to close her eyes and sniff her bedsheet. It's had been a long time since she had been home.

"Now I'm far away from Winter Night." Xinyi said as she gazed at their poster on her wall.

The poster was the only thing she cherished in her room. Now that her parents were back, reality sunk in as she realized;

"This won't do! If they stay here any longer, how am I going to compete?" Xinyi said as she remembered Randy.

Unlike their sulky annoying leader, Randy was different. Others knew him to be a playboy but maybe he was just naturally kind to people. The way he had been to her.


Each member took their seats doing their own thing as they waited for Jianhong. Later today, they had announced that Winter Night wasn't disbanding. This made the fans ecstatic. Everyone took their pages congratulating them and telling them how happy they were about them staying together. Although they weren't meant to do it, Mochi (the spoiler king) had even the fans a little bit of a spoiler in his speech.

"Yes. Not only are we happy that we are going to be able to produce more songs but we are also happy to be role models to our fans and juniors showing them that they mustn't give up on their dreams." Mochi had said.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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