Surviving Mrs Tang

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Jianhong and Xinyi came out together and each one seemed to be looking everywhere except each other. Jianhong fixed his jacket zip before zipping it all the way up then putting on his hoodie on. Xinyi paused unable to look away as she became dazed while staring at his handsome face. Although he wasn't the official visual of the group, he was handsome. So handsome.

Suddenly, the doors opened and Bao Jun came out. If the atmosphere wasn't awkward before, it certainly was as Bao Jun stood gazing at the both of them for a second.

"I will go and distract the press. Take Xinyi out and bring her to the car. The driver is waiting outside near a tree. Please make sure you are not caught or a dating scandal will come up. I can deal with the press but not your fans, Wi-knights." Bao Jun said to Jianhong.

" Don't worry." Jianhong said taking Xinyi's hand making Xinyi turn to look at him.

Bao Jun nodded his head at Jianhong before leaving to deal with the press. Meanwhile, Xinyi gazed down at her hand wrapped round Jianhong. It was like a dream.

"Soft." Xinyi murmured.

"What?" Jianhong said turning to Xinyi.

"Nothing. Thank you senior. You always seem to come to my rescue. It's like fate." Xinyi said smiling.

Her words made Jianhong turn to look at her catching her with a smile on her face. Her smile looked so genuine and innocent that he couldn't take his eyes off her. Realizing he was staring, Jianhong cleared his throat turning to check on Bao Jun. Bao Jun had already approached the press and seemed to talking to them.

"Time to go." Jianhong said dragging Xinyi to him.

Xinyi found herself being dragged forward as she stood very close to Jianhong. Jianhong leaned in and Xinyi's eyes widened. The loud sound of her heartbeat seemed as if it was echoing loud and clear in front of her as she watched Jianhong help her put on her hoodie before dragging her hand.

While Bao Jun distracted the press, the two of them walked through the hospital hallway. Although she was walking, her whole body felt stiff as she walked breathing in his beautiful perfume. Her head had been laid against his shoulder as they walked while his hand covered her forehead as if he was blocking the lights for her. They were so close that she could smell the beautiful scent of his body. It was dream. One she didn't regret dreaming even if her cousin was going to have a hard time dealing with the press tomorrow.

The two of them walked that way till they reached outside without drawing suspicion. Meanwhile Jianhong kept his head all the way through as he walked. Luckily, all the reporters had gathered to listen to Bao Jun which had enabled them to safely leave the hospital. Once they had reached outside, Jianhong released her allowing her to stand properly. Whether she was disappointed from not being able to be close to her idol or happy from the fact he had decided to hold her hand, all she knew was her emotions were a mess.

Grabbing her hand, Jianhong started running passing everyone. His grip seemed to be extremely tight as he held her. After running for a few minutes in the direction Bao Jun explained, Jianhong stopped allowing Xinyi to catch her breathe.

"You don't run?" Jianhong asked when he saw the way Xinyi was breathing fast.

"I do. I'm just tired." Xinyi said.

" There. Your car is there. You can handle the rest right? Just wait till Mr Tang arrives and then you can continue with your date." Jianhong said.

" It isn't a date!" Xinyi screamed as she watched Jianhong about to leave.

"I don't care. Goodbye." Jianhong said briefly turning to her before turning to leave once more.

"Senior! Can you please help me to the car? I feel dizzy. I'm afraid I might fall." Xinyi said dropping Jianhong for the second time.

JIANHONG'S SPOILED PRINCESS (WINTER NIGHT #1)Where stories live. Discover now