Bumping into trouble (2)

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"Hey ! Do you know who you are talking to? Behaving so unruly." Liena said.

Xinyi scoffed turning to Liena as she gazed at her from head to toe. The girl even though she had what she called a perfect shape, she couldn't see the girl's face since it was covered with a mask. Therefore, she couldn't judge the book standing in front of her.

"So what? Who is he? Is he a celebrity or something? Even if he is, one should always know his/her mistake." Xinyi said.

" You! " Liena shouted angrily but was held back by Jianhong.

"What's going on here?" Randy asked arriving without his mask.

Xinyi glared eyes open as she looked at Randy unbelievably. It was as if her whole body had gone into hibernation.

"She. She's so annoying." Liuxian said pointing at Xinyi who didn't do anything but stare at Randy.

"I sincerely apologize for any trouble my friend might have caused. Let's go." Shu Chun said dragging Xinyi out of the store.

Jianhong smiled as he watched Xinyi's reaction. Even though Randy would have caused them trouble for removing his mask, this time he had saved them.

"Senior, aren't you going?" Liena asked Jianhong.

Jianhong turned nodding his head and moved to leave despite his eyes never leaving the door. Meanwhile, Shu Chun sighed as she held her chest gasping after the long run she had done just to take Xinyi out of trouble.

"Are you okay?" Shu Chun asked looking at Xinyi who was still dazed.

Seeing Xinyi in a daze, Shu Chun turned hitting Xinyi on the arm to get her to wake up. Xinyi yelled in pain glancing at Shu Chun.

"What was that for? Wait. How did we get here?" Xinyi asked making Shu Chun shift back.

"Have you been possessed? Don't you remember what you just did? I told you that we should have just ignored them. You didn't listen. Putting me in this trouble." Shu Chun said dusting herself.

" That was real. I met Rand Maneerattana. I met Randy!" Xinyi said smiling which earned a snare from Shu Chun.

" Yes. You did. And you fought with Senior Liuxian and JH. Congrats. I guess we should throw a party." Shu Chun said rolling her eyes.

" What? What did you just say? I fought with who?" Xinyi asked.

" Tang Xinyi. You are really dumb. How could you forget their clothes. I even remembered it. How couldn't you? That's why I tried to stop you. Senior Liuxian was the one who stepped on the groceries." Shu Chun said.

" He was wearing a mask. How was I supposed to recognize him? That means the girl that arrived..... " Xinyi asked.

" Zhang Liena. She was the one." Shu Chun said.

"Gosh. I can't believe this. Shu Chun, you should have stopped me. What if JH decides to target me because of this?" Xinyi asked.

" Don't worry. JH isn't as pretty minded as you think. Let's go." Shu Chun said holding Xinyi's hand as they walked to the dorm.


The next day, Xinyi was awakened by Shu Chun as usual. Even after staying here for some days, she still couldn't get herself to wake up as early as everyone was getting up. Plus, the matron who always passed by waking everyone up, always passed their room without even as much as knocking on it.

JIANHONG'S SPOILED PRINCESS (WINTER NIGHT #1)Where stories live. Discover now