Surviving Mrs Tang

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Sighing to himself, Jianhong stared at Xinyi as she gazed at him. Few seconds later, Jianhong reached the car. The driver came out helping Jianhong as he placed Xinyi in the car. Xinyi smiled happily as she sat down. Winter Night Jianhong carried her in his arms.

"Happy? You know one shouldn't always use his influence and power to force people." Jianhong said scattering her happiness.

"I'm not. I didn't force you." Xinyi said.

" Why did you come to agency? To be closer to your boyfriend? Do you have any plan on debuting?" Jianhong asked making Xinyi scoff as she stared at him.

"Senior, what is wrong? I didn't offend you. Why are you being mean to me?" Xinyi asked.

" You! I'm not being mean to you! I'm leaving." Jianhong said turning to leave immediately.

Few minutes later, Bao Jun arrived and met Xinyi angry as she crossed her arms in front of her like a sulking child.

"What's wrong? Did anyone see you?" Bao Jun asked as he glanced around.

" How can someone be so mean? I want you to change the leader. Anyone but that grumpy annoying Jianhong!" Xinyi said making Bao Jun roll his eyes.

" I thought it had been something serious." Bao Jun said as he entered the car through the other door to sit beside her.

"Are you going to do it or not? He's annoying cousin. He told me that I shouldn't use my influence to force people just because I have it. Does he know who I am? I'm the only miss of the Tang clan." Xinyi said.

" Well, he doesn't know you are the young miss of the Tang clan. If you don't like being bullied, stay home. Oh, I almost forgot! We need to come up with a good story. If Aunt ask anything, you were with your friend. Make sure it's someone who will cover up for you. I don't know how long they will be staying but I hope it's not long. I can handle Uncle but not his wife." Bao Jun said making Xinyi giggle.

" Dear cousin, seems like there are a lot of things you can't handle." Xinyi said teasing him as the car entered their estate.

"There they are. They are waiting for you." Bao Jun said pointing at her parents that stood in front of the house.

Few seconds later, Xinyi opened the door running to hug her father first. Her father's big arms wrapped round and Xinyi smiled. Even without words, the warmth of his hug guaranteed safety.

"Tang Xinyi. Tell me this instant. Where have you been?" Her mother words sounded loudly spoiling the father-daughter reunion.

"Good evening mother." Xinyi said in a low voice.

" You weren't in the house when we arrived. Your cousin has obviously been stalling for time. Where did you go?" Her mother asked staring at her.

The stern gaze from her mother made her immediately turn to seek help from her father as she dragged his hand not caring that her mother could see it.

"Honey, Xinyi is back. Why don't we go inside so that we can talk more? The weather is chilly. You might get sick. Lets go. " Her father said to her mother as he wrapped his hand round her waist guiding her inside.

"You always support her. Do you see her? She won't turn out good if you continue like this." Xinyi watched her mother say as they entered.

Few minutes later, they all sat down in the living room. To her the living room had always been too big. But now, it was big and cold. Her mother's gaze was like lasers piercing through everything that it looked at. She had managed to survive getting out of the dorm and deceiving the female staffs. Even the reporters but whether or not she would be able to manage to survive this crisis called her mother was still a mystery.

"Speak." Xinyi heard a mother say in a calm voice.

This was it. Putting on a big smile, Xinyi glanced at her cousin who gazed away as if he didn't want trouble. Everything was finally up to her.

"Mother, don't be mad at me. I was bored of staying home alone so I went to visit my friends. They were doing a sleepover for the whole week so I went. Look. I'm alive. Well and alive, yes." Xinyi said cutely.

" Really?" Her mother asked as she gazed at her suspiciously.

"Really. It's truth. If you want, I can call her. She will tell you the exact same thing." Xinyi said.

" Fine. Your school is on a break. That's why I won't hold it against you. But, school is about to start. You cannot go anywhere when school starts, understand?" Her mother asked making her nod her head cutely.

Luckily, she had passed the storm. Seems like she must have been born under a lucky star. Glancing at her cousin, Xinyi watched as Bao Jun gave her a thumbs up with a look of pride.

JIANHONG'S SPOILED PRINCESS (WINTER NIGHT #1)Where stories live. Discover now