Chapter 13

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After Jill carved her name on the tree, she felt her tears coming on.

Jasper put his hand on her shoulder with sympathy. "You alright?"

Jill nodded. "It's just that... I still love my Paul. And I really thought he loved me."

"I thought my Michelle loved me" said Jasper.

"Didn't she?"

"No. We had a good thing going on and she left me to go clubbing. That's love" said Jasper.


"Yeah, love. L-U-V. At least Paul kept his reason to marry you a secret"

Jill strutted over to a rock wall and sat on it. "It's more than that."

"Is it?" 

"Yes. I married Paul because I really love him. I felt some pity for him too, but I saw past it" said Jill.

"I understand, love."

"And now, here I am. Four months pregnant, betrayed and sitting in a garden with corpses. With all due respect" Jill exhaled. 

"Wait. You're pregnant?" said Jasper.

"Yes" said Jill.

"Your man only married you and got you pregnant out of pity?" said Jasper.

"Apparently" said Jill.

Jasper furrowed his eyebrows. "This is a shock to me."

"It is?"

"Yes. I mean, it's one thing for a man to be a fraud to his wife. For him to be a fraud to his pregnant wife is just wrong" said Jasper.

"I know. That's why I ran off."

"No wonder you still love him. And I don't understand why Paul would break the lie to you while you're pregnant" said Jasper.

"He didn't. And he wouldn't" said Jill. 


"His grandfather broke it to me." 

"So his grandfather was the fraud?"

"Yes. But I know Paul would never do that to me. Please believe me" said Jill.

"I do. But I'm not sure the brides will" said Jasper. 

Then he looked at his watch. "Speaking of... you should probably go find them. They wouldn't be pleased to see you with me."

Jill stood up with tears in her eyes, then started to go.

"Jill!" Jasper called.

She turned around. "Yes?"

"If you ever need to talk, come looking for me."

Jill nodded then kept running. 

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