Chapter 2

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"It's lovely here, Paul" said Jill.

"I thought you'd like it" said Paul.

"Well, I like it because you spent your entire childhood here. You didn't move from country to country like I did" said Jill.

Paul led her to the front porch where his brother Mike was waiting.

"Hey! Welcome home, Paulie!" he said.

"Hullo, Mike! Thank you" said Paul giving his brother a hug. 

Mike then got a look at Jill. "Crikey! You must be Jill! I've heard so much about you. I'm Mike, Paul's brother."

Jill smiled and let the boy kiss her hand.

"It's so nice to meet you" she said.

"I expect you're a fab singer. Just like me brother" said Mike.

"Um... not exactly. But I do have eyes on me quite often. I'm a model" said Jill.

"Cor! That's incredible. My brother tells me you're an officer" said Mike.

"Yes. A strange two jobs to have at once" said Jill.

"Actually, she has four jobs now" said Paul.

"What are those?" said Mike.

"Modeling, upholding the law, being married to me, and mothering our child" said Paul.

"Your child? You pregnant, madam?" said Mike.

Jill nodded and rubbed her tummy. 

"Congratulations, brother! Your breakup with Meg went a long way!" said Mike.

"Jill's breakup with Chad Stuart went an even longer way" said Paul.

"Isn't he married to Meg now?" said Mike.

"Yes" said Jill with a tiny smile.

"Isn't that interesting!" said Mike.

"Very" said Jill quietly. 

"I would love for our grandfather to meet you!" said Mike excitedly.

He took Jill by the hand and led her inside.

"But your brother tells me your grandfather is..." Jill began.

"Yeah, and he's right. But he's typically a nice old man with the ladies" said Mike.

"Come on, Jill. I do exaggerate" said Paul.

"I've known that a lot longer than Paul has" said Mike.

Jill laughed and smiled wider. "Alright, alright."

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