Summerslam and Date Night

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"Ok ok this is extremely beautiful bougie and expensive and so not worth it but is absolutely freaking amazing." I turned hugging him as I felt his chest rumble with laughter.
"I'll take that you like it"
"Yes and if I wasn't exhausted I'd play, or swim."
"Let's get to bed we can have fun tomorrow aulelei."
"Have I told you how lucky I am your my husband and I love you."
"I love you too aulelei."

I woke up the next morning as Joe got up from a knock at the door. I grabbed a robe walking out as I smiled seeing he had ordered breakfast.
"When did you do this?" I asked gently as he turned around to me.
"Earlier when I first woke up. Ordered breakfast then laid back down with you."
"Thank you." We ate quietly before cleaning up. I tossed on some shorts and a sports bra finding the small court shutting the door behind me. Joe was on the phone with someone and it sounded like business. I did some light stretching before starting to play around.


I hung up glad that all that was out of the way. I hated business sometimes but we had stuff lined up. I didn't see my wife anywhere as I looked around but heard a constant thump and smiled knowing immediately where she was. I walked to the court and opened the door as the sound grew and silently stood in the doorway watching her. She looked so at ease and at peace, something that I felt she wasn't a lot of the time. This was where her worries went away, she was free. She sunk shot after shot and when she would miss would do lay ups. She turned seeing me and jumped but smiled.
"Sorry I scared you aulelei."
"How long you been there."
"A few minutes, just watching."
"Wanna play with me." I raised my eyebrow as she giggled shaking her head. "Head out of the gutter."
"Hey you said it but yeah I will." She passed the ball to me as I took a shot. Basketball although fun was not my forte and she easily handed me my ass. We played a little over an hour before stopping. Both of us sweaty and a couple stands of hair plastered against her forehead. I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her against me. "I love you." I said pressing my lips to her head.
"I love you too and I'm all sweaty."
"And I still love you I don't give a shit."
"I'm hungry." I laughed looking at her.
"Let's shower and we can go grab something and sightsee."
"Sounds like a plan." As I turned I felt her hands on my shoulders and stopped ready to catch her as she hopped on my back. With my arms under her legs I walked us to the bathroom.

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