Summerslam and Date Night

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I watched him in the ring, looking sexy as hell. 265 pounds of muscle. I really had hit the jackpot with that man and I'd thank the creator every day for giving me him. I was relaxing in sweats and a tshirt part of my Nike stuff. They squared up my husband looking fine as shit and intimidating as hell and that look on his face. Joe didn't see it but the rest of the female population did. John got him in a headlock and my husband knocked him on his ass. Felix was in the ring with a different Joe than he was years ago. He got a couple quick pins and Joe was laughing about it, not taking him seriously. He started dominating John.
"Sis I think you droolin."
"Shut up Joshua." I laughed nudging him "My husband is hot and the female population agrees."
"Yeah yeah whatever."
"They do, on all y'all for real, hell chicks who don't even watch WWE are like shit they fine."
"Go on TikTok and tell me."
"Speaking of, I'm surprised you have one."
"I got bored during Covid, first video was of me Leah and Em on the rez."
"Yeah and the dog trying to eat your shoes."
"He did!" I exasperated, taking my eyes off the tv. Blade had ate a pair of moccasins of mine. "He was in a lot of trouble for that."
"So I see you guys has a good time in Miami."
"Yeah we did, it was much needed."
"Looked fun but y'all looked annoyed."
" I was cause the press. The kids were with us that and stalking me at the airport pisses me off. Like if I'm with my family leave me alone."
" I feel that."
Looking back at the screen Joe had laid out Felix again after he attempted a roll up. Joe talking mad shit to him.
"You can't roll me! You ain't gonna win like this." John grabbed him at his waist pulling himself up but lowering my husband's pants low enough for me to see his happy trail and v line, it was low enough I saw the contrast from his tan my bottom lip going between my teeth. John then picked him up for the AA and Joe countered and drilled him with a ddt.  His mad face was so sexy. "Hollywood I apologize but I'm going to hurt this man. I'm gonna hurt I'm gonna whoop his ass and we're going to send him to the er he ain't gonna be able to work." I laughed as he talked mad shit, cockiness oozing out of him. It was hot, especially because it was damn near polar opposite, yes he knew he had skills but he wasn't a cocky jackass, at least outside of the ring. "Don't bring him back here. I'm WWE!" Again John was using Joe to pull himself up after he had stood.

He then started to fight back  and even I cringed as Joe gave him a right that echoed them he talked more shit

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

He then started to fight back  and even I cringed as Joe gave him a right that echoed them he talked more shit. He rolled him again before Joe kicked out and locked in a sleeper til John fought back.
"This is a really good match."
"Yeah uce is killing it."
"You guys run in?"
"I plead the fifth." I smirked at Jon as he spoke. They went back and forth and I cringed as he put my husband through the announce table with an AA he took him back in the ring but my husband kicked out. I knew he'd be a bit sore after that table spot.
"Shit." I said watching John give him another AA from the top rope him looking shocked as even the crowd was shocked as he again kicked out. He imitated Joe doing his ooorah and attempting a spear my husband countered before they started tearing blows before Joe hit a spear pinning John. Heyman put his ula fala back around his neck handing him his title. Joe went to lift his hand and I knew it was to do the You can't see me until that music went off Brock. The crowd popped Joe looked shocked and Heyman looked ready to shit himself. Joe quickly jerked off his ula fala ready for a fight. Brock marched to the ring staring at my husband. He got in the ring looking at Joe. I knew that bad blood and I stood up as Joe walked forward getting in his face. I already knew what went down if they came to blows.
"Don't, don't baby walk away." I mumbled softly. Jon gently touching my arm.
"Stay with Sarona we'll go." They walked out as I sat waiting for them to fight but instead Joe backed up leaving the ring. I sighed in relief but also knowing this was gonna be his next fued. A few minutes later the door opened revealing my husband. He put his title down pressing a kiss to my lips.
"You ok?"
"Yeah aulelei."
"Go shower." He nodded walking to the back of the locker room as I grabbed something for him to wear and packed his things. I walked into the shower placing his clothes and a towel down and grabbing his discarded gear.
"Thank you aulelei."
"Always handsome." I replied Walking out. I put his gear in a bag. Making sure everything was packed. I took the bags to our bud returning to a confused husband. "Everything is on the bus."
"Oh ok."
"Yeah now let's have a parent night before Colby and Red gotta leave." We met up with them at their bus before we walked to a rental. Joe had apparently decided to stay a few extra days making it our monthly date. Colby decided to drive so him and Joe sat up front while Becky and I opted for the back so we could talk.
"I wish we were in the same shows, I miss you."
"Me too." I said looking at her. "So how does it feel to be back?"
"Good, different but good. I'm just glad we are able to take her with us."
"Yeah your definitely lucky."
"Have you and Joe ever thought about maybe bringing the kids on the road with you guys during summer or something. He's already got a bus."
"Actually no, we've never thought about it."
"Maybe you should, it would help all of you, more family time. I know how it bothers you missing so much."
"True that's actually a good idea, maybe spring break or next summer we might but Joe changed our schedules to where we are home more."
"How'd he pull that off?"
"Walked in the office looked at Vince and was like I'm working select shows and pay per views so is she or we are walking."
"He what?" Colby said speaking up chuckling. "I'd say if you were anyone else you wouldn't have a job but between that and her you are lucky."
"Colby it has nothing to do with me."
"Heartbreaker unfortunately it does. He married you and Paul is your godfather that gives him some leeway. It sucks but it's true. Let alone you've had the biggest balls with Vince since you walked in the door."
"True or not I did what I needed for my family. You've both seen her and how hard it is for her to leave, it keeps getting harder and I'm lucky when we went back live she stayed she almost left, almost gave up her dreams for our family and I'm at the point in our career I can be a bit bossy and selfish so I used it."
"Nothing against it man shit I'd take that damn deal too." Colby said. We ended up at a casino and ate some amazing food, expensive but amazing and then we hit a few slots and a blackjack and craps table. After a few hours a alarm went off and Becky and Colby looked at one another.
"Guess that was the go alarm?" I asked.
"Yeah unfortunately."
"Well I shall see you guys soon."
"Yeah cause you guys are switching." Becky and I looked at one another smirking.
"Cause we are the shit and I can't wait to get a match against you, if they ever let us."
"Hopefully they will. Be safe."
"You too." We hugged them both before going separate ways as Joe got in an elevator entering a code.
"Special code Ulilohi."
"Mhmm penthouse baby only the top line for my wife."
"Joe." I giggled shaking my head knowing he dropped an arm and a leg for this. "What have I told you about this."
"Aulelei just let me spoil you besides special surprise just for you." Walking in not gonna lie it took my breath away, the view alone was amazing but the further I walked the more it blew my mind. Huge, lavish a beautiful view of the strip and all the lights, it's own private pool, a bathroom that would make anyone jealous hell just the bathroom looked bigger than my rez house and then I stopped as Joe opened up a double door.
"Oh my god." Joe deeply chuckled as I walked in, there was a basketball court, it was a half one but I didn't care this was the coolest most extravagant hotel room I'd ever been in.

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