Blonde and the Brunette

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Dallas POV:


I turn around to see my ride or die girl, Carmen Reynolds wave at me as she strides across the parking lot in her tall brown leather boots. Even on the windiest day, the gusts only enhance her natural beauty, billowing her milky brown hair out like a fan.

"Carmen," I walk over to her, and let her link our arms together in a true best friend fashion. It's my turn to drive us home; and Carmen had detention, so I went out for errands until she was done. "What was it this time?" I ask my popular and extroverted other half.

While Carmen is popular in an extroverted, friends with everyone type of way, I'm popular in a more introverted way. A lot of people don't see it like that, with me throwing parties every weekend, but that's a joined effort between Carmen and I. Were just taking advantage of my big spacey house. My parents sent me to live here in one of their off to the smaller city homes so that I could go to school with friends, while they continued with their filming as actors in L.A. I don't mind the big empty house, but I throw parties so I don't get lonely.

But anyways, Carmen's extroverted fun gets her in trouble sometimes, and it's not unusual that she'll be caught up in detention. I have groceries to get, and laundry to launder too, so it works out on days that I'm driving us.

We walk over to my red convertible, and Carmen waves a glossily manicured hand nonchalantly.

"Oh, nothing unusual, just the third time they caught me with Flynn this week." Flynn was her boyfriend of the month; there was always a different one. "But were over soon anyways; he told me he loved me." She rolls her eyes.

A lot of people think that Carmen is a floozy who can't last long relationships, and some think that she's actually kind of a bad person. But being friends with her, I know that she's a lot of fun, and she's there when I need her. She just doesn't want long relationships; she likes the fun, chaotic lifestyle. But people still want a piece of her, no matter what they think. It's the popular thing.

"Well, there goes another one," I laugh. "They're dropping like flies. Who's going to be the next victim of deadly heartbreak?" I ask to see who she has her eye on as we slip in the car and I turn on the ignition, pealing out of the parking lot with style. The Blonde and the Brunette duo. That's us, right there. You couldn't ask for anything better.

Carmen pulls out a tube of pale pink lipstick, and starts to apply it as she peers in the mirror above her seat, adjusting it to her liking.

"Well, that new kid, Caleb, he's kind of hot in a baseball player way. If only Ailynn Maren would stop trailing him around everywhere. There's tons of baseball guys that drool over her sporty chick thing." She sighs, putting the lipstick away, and nodding to an exit off the highway coming up. "Can we hit up the mall? That new clothing store just came in."

"Yeah, sure." I check around before turning onto that lane and driving off thee highway. "And Caleb? Really? He's not your usual type."

Carmen laughs at this statement.

"Darling, Dallas, do I really have a type by now?" She smirks. "And how so, if I do?"

"Well, I guess you're right." I laugh. She's dated too many people to have a narrow type. "But I just mean, most of the guys you've dated seem to... like, you know, having casual flings, same as you. Besides Flynn, of course. But Caleb just seems more... serious about that than the others."

"Alright, I suppose so." She nods. "You know who I've been asking out forever?"

"Gunnar." I say, rolling my eyes. Gunnar Blakely, the guy that every girl wants, and every guy wants to be. Carmen just wants the satisfaction of crossing him off whatever mental list she has going on there, and Gunnar... well, obviously hasn't been satisfying her needs.

"Ugh, yes." She groans, getting out as she sees we've arrived at the mall, and walking with me in towards the entrance. "He doesn't spare me the time of day. A guy like him, he could have anyone he wants, but instead, wants the one person who doesn't want him back. Oh, Gunnar, I am literally right here with open arms." She exasperatedly clutches her purse, and we make our way through the crowds to the new store called 'Fashion Era'.

"Well, Carlotta is a wonderful person," I reason, and Carmen cuts me off.

"She is! That's the thing! Carlotta is so nice, but I don't have to tell her to back off or anything, because she's been rejecting him forever, but she is kind of the problem in this love triangle!"

I frown as we scour the racks, pulling off cute tops and bottoms.

"Doesn't she have to be in love with you for it to be a love triangle?" I muse.

"Eh, as long as there's relationship drama and three people involved, whatever." She drags me with her to the changing room.

We try on a few outfits, and decide what we want. Go back to the car after purchasing, and Carmen lights up with a new topic as she clicks in her seat belt.

"Ooh! Are we doing a party on Saturday?" She grins as I start to back out and drive us home.

"You better believe it." I nod. "I was thinking a back to school pool party, because it's still warm enough to go take a dip. Wanna go shopping for stuff on Friday?" I ask.

"I'm in!" Carmen nods, mischievous look in her eyes. "I'll get Faith on the drinks."

Faith is Carmen's older sister, and she's two times the party girl as Carmen.

"Come on, Car." I look at her, not unkindly, but disapprovingly. "You know we can't get people hungover on school weekends. Maybe we can do a big party when winter break comes around."

"Fine." She huffs, smiling as the car pulls into her driveway. "Love you, girl."

She blows me a kiss, and I return the girly favor, and somehow, I think I'll make it through the rest of school.

But the camping trip.

I have a bad feeling about that one.

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