Chp 37: "Black cat brings bad luck"

Start from the beginning

The three fought through the thugs as they took them out finally, the three continues following the trail as they come across what looks like a deal

Peter: those look like hammerheads guys

Gwen: I'll get up close and listen I'm on them, connect to my mask so you guys can hear to

Peter: got it, I'll get a pic of thyre plate and send it to MJ

Gwen turns invisible as she swings over to the deal and hangs upside down from a light and listens in, one of the thugs was approaching the other with a book in hand

Thug 1: you get it?

Thug 2: yeah

The second thug hands hands the first thug a book as he opens it to see and empty slot that looked like it would contain a hard drive

Thug 1: the hell?

The thug shuts the book as he looks at the other thug

Thug 1: where's the drive?

Thug 2: she said she wanted it delivered to hammerhead personally

Thug 1: didn't I tell you to get the drive?!

Thug 2: yeah but she gave other ones to him so I just figured-

The thug was cut off as the first thug threw the book on the ground

Thug 1: so I tell you to do something, AND YOU DONT DO IT?!, know what happens next

The thug said as the other ones behind him pointed they're guns at the second thug

Thug 2: wait, wait wait wait!!

That was until the thug with the gun drops his gun as he screams in pain, he holds his hand as it was scratched and bleeding, that was until Sam used his dark webs and grabbed some of the thugs and attached them to a wall

Both the spiders regroup as they face off the remaining thugs

Peter: hey don't act surprised, you said you knew what happens next

After a few minutes of fighting, the three spiders take out the thugs as they web them up, the three then approach the stolen book as Sam picks it up and opens it as they see it was empty

Sam: damnit

Two officers approached them as Sam hands them the book

Sam: here, I'm pretty sure its way past overdue

Sam says as the officers take the book and the three spiders swing away from the scene, they land on top of a building as they call MJ

Peter: MJ, the cat got another data drive

MJ: just one more and hammerhead has the drives from all the other Magia family's, we gotta figure out whats on those drives

Peter: there's something else you should know, theres this thing, probably not a big thing but it could be a thing, little...maybe big...thing

MJ: please say a sentence that doesn't include the word thing

Peter: okay, the reason Felicia's working for hammerhead is because he took her son

MJ: hmm, didn't know she had a son, but that certainly sounds like something hammerhead would do

Peter: theres this other thing, you that she and I dated for while right?

MJ: yeah, so?...........oh......oh are you serious?!!

Peter: well I dont know for sure but, it's possible

MJ: I...I need to hang up right now

MJ said as she hung up

Sam: well....that was at least a valid reaction

Gwen: don't worry peter, she'll call back when she's cooled off

Peter: I hope

That was until they get a call from miles in the group session

Miles: hi guys it's Miles

Sam: miles!, What's going on my man?

Miles: nothing much, I was just wondering uhh...wait is this a bad time?, I mean...are you guys doing spider man stuff right

Gwen: a little bit, we are

Miles: really?, Like what, specifically

Peter: you mean what are we doing right now?, At this moment?

Miles: yeah, unless you guys think that's creepy or weird or...yeah it probably is, I bet i sound like a stalker right now

Sam: nah you're good man, what was it you wanted to talk about

Gwen: were all ears

Miles: oh it's nothing really, it can wait...I'll call you guys later

Miles said as he hung up

Sam: huh, wonder what he wanted to talk about

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