The betrothed

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Minho was sitting on his bed reading quietly to himself in his house sized bedroom. The sun never failed to gleam into his room every morning and not even the curtains could hide the light.

The book he was reading was called 'unworthy love.'
Which I'm sure that by the title of the book you already have a hint of what it's about. Then suddenly..a knock arose in the silence. "Your's time." A voice had spoken from behind the door.

Minho plainly looked at his book before bookmarking it, then got up and fixed his posture. The silence swooned him back and Fourth, although he didn't know if it was the silence or his nerves.

Minho opened his door revealing an average height man with the kingdom's garments on him. Minho sighed to himself and walked out of the room walking beside the servant.

But time for what you ask?
Minho is now 20 years old and it was time to find out his betrothed.
Him and the servant were walking to the throne room where the king and queen were awaiting his arrival.

"Are you nervous, your highness?"

Minho slightly shook his head no..but in reality he felt like he could cry. He was about to meet the person he is going to spend the rest of his life with and he didn't even know her.

They entered the throne room and his mother instantly shot up to go greet her son. She gave him a hug and his father came to him as well.

His father said, "Son..we have found the perfect match for you, she comes from the human kingdom and she is amazing in beauty."

His mother cupped his chin. "We think you will love her, sweetheart."

Minho grabbed his mother's hand as a sign to let him meet her.

King Chan waved his hand to the guard and out came his betrothed.

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